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Trump 2024

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By soulpioneer [Ignore] 02,May,24 17:46   Pageviews: 160

Not to get too deep into politics or a huge essay for why I choose Trump over Biden (or now Harris) anyday for that matter,...lets just say I'm full RED this election for the man that will deliver the goods as he did in his last presidency, - just a few factors - improve our economy, energy independence, world peace through diplomacy and strength, close the border and get a handle on illegal immigration crisis, restore law and order to the nation, police, justice system, drain the swamp, dismantle the deep state as much as possible and MORE. Thats just for starters, - please be respectful here whether you support Trump or not. Lets keep the peace and make America better for her citizens and the world. - God Bless America

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By Hairless [Ignore] 13,Dec,24 11:08
It doesn't matter one bit what the left thinks. TRUMP WON! America first! The people in North Carolina got $750.00 and some lost everything. What does Joe Biden do? He sends billions to Africa after they had a hurricane.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 13,Dec,24 14:55

By bella! [Ignore] 02,May,24 20:28
TRUMP 2024 🇺🇸
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 02,May,24 21:58
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 21,Sep,24 20:34
By Hairless [Ignore] 13,Dec,24 11:02
I voted for Trump.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 13,Dec,24 14:54

By #666538 [Ignore] 07,Dec,24 15:32
well said daddy! 😘

By soulpioneer [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 17:44
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 17:44

By Gravy [Ignore] 28,Oct,24 04:59
Well said
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 28,Oct,24 12:05

By eric1966 [Ignore] 23,Oct,24 17:55
Wow, a gay guy voting for DJT!!!
Are you still in your right mind???
Do you realize what this man stands for???
You should get yourself a bulletproof vest.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 26,Oct,24 13:35
Many gays are voting for Trump for many good reasons - only registered users can see external links Thanksfully we live in a Republic that allows us to vote for whoever we want in office. Pretty Awesome eh?

By nekekal [Ignore] 02,May,24 22:48
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not their own facts. DJT says he will be a bigger asshole than he was last time. What do we have to indicate otherwise. Aliens don't get to vote, legal or otherwise. As far as I can tell DJT sucks Putins cock.

But I am not going to argue. I have the same right to my opinion as others.
By Animal [Ignore] 17,Oct,24 00:05
I agree... if you can't look at him and see the evil in his face there is something wrong with you...

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 03,May,24 18:54
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 03,May,24 19:58

By steve3095 [Ignore] 03,May,24 08:06
If the USA rejects Trump, can Australia have him. We seriously need a dose of common sense politics to overcome PC leftist rubbish. Our current Prime Minister wasted $500m on a referendum to divide the current on racial lines. It was smashed on voting day. Forget PC crap, apply realistic policies that offer hope to average working people who are trying their best to provide for their families.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 03,May,24 15:19
I watch that Sky News Australia news channel on Youtube, they are always making fun of the 'lefties' in the USA lol- seems like a good portion of the conservatives love Trump! - well that is contrasted more when compared with Biden

By wycowboy [Ignore] 03,May,24 10:18
He's the man I am voting for......again
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 03,May,24 15:17

By uncut1944 [Ignore] 02,May,24 18:31
So, you would live under a dictatorship than with free open elections.
My stock and retirement fund is higher than it was five years ago. Prices are higher because the minimum wage is no longer $7.25. Who can live with that low of pay.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 02,May,24 22:03
Dont buy the leftwing media narratives which take Trumps words out of context, they thrive on that. Most Americans agree we had it better under Trump, look at Biden's presidency....worst ever on many fronts. Trump never acted like a dictator last time, he will never be this time, he stands for America and the constitution. Our elections are 'free' and 'open', but not for illegal aliens, we need voter ID and other safe measures for election integrity.Lets hope this election is fair and honestly counted. My view holds, and while Bidens polls go DOWN, Trump is gaining momentum and the people's vote
By uncut1944 [Ignore] 03,May,24 11:37
SCOUS Justice Thomas wants to revoke same sex marriage and interracial marriages. The Gay community will go back under ground as it will be unlawful to practice openly.

History repeats itself….the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, the Napoleonic era, the rise and fall of the British Empire. Question is how long will the Great American Experience last without the rule of law and the safe guard of the Constitution.

By johnnycock [Ignore] 02,May,24 22:56
I personally think Trump is entertaining, charismatic and has an unparalleled work ethic. Given the choices you have in America, Trump, just from a common sense policy perspective is clearly the superior choice. Whats fascinating is that if you listen past Democrat Presidents old speeches and platforms from the 90's and 2000's, they sound similar to Trump. Obama and Clinton were both very much anti-open borders as an example. Trump puts American Citizens first! thats hardly an extreme position. Trump is actually fairly libertarian on most issues as well. This notion that he's some extreme right winger is truly a ridiculous belief with no basis in reality.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 02,May,24 23:53
Good points

By mrthickdick [Ignore] 02,May,24 22:44

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