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How do you guys get through a bad breakup.

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By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 06,May,24 02:40   Pageviews: 43

I know this might not be the right place to post this type of topic but I figured fuck it and want to address this anyway. So I just recently got dumped by my now ex after I found out she cheated on me and to say it's been hard dealing with this is the understatement of the century. I loved this girl and still have feelings for her somehow. It's been very hard to move past her, but she betrays me and then blocks me out of her life after saying that I was her rock and her everything. I mean she made me feel like I was just the best boyfriend she ever had. Even told me that by me being in her life that she no longer needed therapy and that I helped cure her depression. But then she just completely turns her back on me? I just don't get it. I've been trying to move past her in many ways, focusing on my work, having hookups, going on trips. But nothing seems to take away the pain. I can't eat, can't sleep right. And when I do sleep I dream of her. We even had talked of marrying and I was getting ready to propose to her. Even found the ring that I knew she would like. So at any rate I'm curious how long did it take you guys in the syd community to get over a bad breakup?

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By jizzbits [Ignore] 30,Sep,24 08:24
Breakups are very difficult for me, the guilt and shame overload my senses. I pretty much shutdown and sleep. But at some point I shake it off and surrender to my feelings and embrace them knowing that I will survive and I’ll be stronger. I realize there is no guilt or shame just incompatible energies.
When I start to feel better I write down my thoughts and feelings and do a burning ritual to release my backed up emotions. Than I get drunk and run around naked. That always makes me feel better.
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 30,Sep,24 20:47
Well when I get drunk I just end up crying more dude. but seriously how do you get over someone that you love? I see a lot of people saying that eventually you stop thinking about your ex but I don't see how. Sure I can actually feel like getting out of the bed more now and have a little of my focus back, but I still don't have my drive for life back fully and I still find myself reflecting on her and the good times that we had. A big part of me still actually misses her. I guess I can take a page out of your book and write down my thoughts when it starts to become overwhelming. Or exercise like I've been doing more.

By Kikifriday [Ignore] 25,Jun,24 11:21
People do horrible things to people they claim to love and they generally do it because they’re fucked up in a major way that you can’t and shouldn’t even attempt to fix. It takes a while for the hurting to diminish and gradually disappear, perhaps several months but it indeed will because you deserve better. I hope this helps a little bit. 🙂
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 29,Jun,24 15:56
Yeah I have my days where it ebbs and flows. Somedays I can focus more on other things and then on other days I don't even wanna get out of the bed. I just didn't think she was like that. Maybe she did love me but is just too fucked up as you said but I don't know. What she did puts that into question. And then the thought of opening myself up to someone new and sharing so much of myself feels like why bother. But I'm just hoping to heal enough with time to where I can think of her and not feel the hurt as much. Or not have those ebbs and flows still.
By Kikifriday [Ignore] 29,Jun,24 22:15
You will heal, just trust your instincts, when you’re ready to get back in the saddle, you’ll know!

By furluvr [Ignore] 06,May,24 09:37
It’s hard, and it takes time. It took me about a year to get over my worst breakup, which was much more difficult because it was when I realized that I was gay.

At some point, you’ll realize that it’s better that you’re not together anymore. Maybe you were right for each other at the beginning, but that’s no longer the case. And finding out that she cheated on you is better now than after you got married.

You are an incredibly sexy man, and I know you to be kind and caring. The right person will appear when you least expect it. And they will be extremely lucky to have you.
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 06,May,24 12:24
Thanks man. I really appreciate your kind words. I suppose with time I'll be able to be over it enough to feel like myself again, even if not completely. It just feels like your whole world has been ripped apart when you've made life plans with a person and shared all of yourself with them, only to find out that their not the one.

BTW whoever let you get away I'm sure their probably kicking their own ass now, as you seem like a very good person not to mention your very hot too. I appreciate your support more than you know
By furluvr [Ignore] 07,May,24 10:31
My ex was the last woman I dated. I found out that I was merely a revenge tactic against *her* ex, who she took back up with after she dumped me. I have no idea what happened to her after that. I used to fantasize about her catching me fucking her hot younger brother.

The pain will pass. You will find the right person, without a doubt.
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 07,May,24 13:14
Damn what your ex did to you sounds like what my first ex did to me. she also cheated on me, except she cheated with my older brother. and she said the only reason she got with me was to get closer to my brother. Like why didn't she just date his ass in the first place. But your ex simply wanted revenge on her ex? Like why didn't she just leave his ass instead of getting you involved and toying with your heart. I swear some people are just sick in the head. I almost wanna give up on relationships tbh and just stick to FWB or one night stands.

By tb1 [Ignore] 06,May,24 04:14
Sorry for your loss. The grieving will not go away, ever. It might in time hurt a little less but will flash back into your thoughts and dreams and nightmares. It might help to move onto dating but that will take time too. She’s moved on, you must too.
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 06,May,24 12:32
Yeah and that's gonna be the hardest part. Moving on in spite of all the hopes I had, all the plans that I had in mind for us and really just relearning to think of my life again as my life instead of our life. It's like I became symbiotic with her and now I gotta separate myself mentally again. I suppose dating again will help but as you said that will take time too as I've tried having hookups but that so far hasn't helped.

By t-rex [Ignore] 06,May,24 07:41
I agree, do you ever really get over it? I don’t think so, the pain gets less and you move on when you’ve loved someone so much, It’s hard to erase the memories. Good luck it will get better in time.
By Hotcaramel91 [Ignore] 06,May,24 12:27
That's how I feel. I hear people talk like they don't even think about their exes anymore or have no feelings at all and I really don't see how. They must have not loved them fully in the first place to feel that way. Because when you truly loved someone you never fully get over them. I imagine that it'll just be to where I can live life normal again someday in spite of still remembering her or still caring deep down.

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