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Supplement experiment early update.

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By What-once-was [Ignore] 13,May,24 19:27   Pageviews: 69

So far I feel like I'm having more flexing/muscle contractions go on when I nut but can't be sure if I'm out right cumming more in volume or just having more "dry" contractions.

I can 100% say my labido is increased, like I used to get horny a few times a day and want to cum like ever other day, now I'm horny like 75% of the time and I want to cum multiple times a day.

Before, seeing a hot person was pretty cool, now I'm straight up lusting (internally not out load) after hot people I see, like I wasn't even this horny as a teenager.
It's pretty fun if I'm honest and even if I don't end up actually ejaculating more, I'd keep taking the supplements for the labido increase alone.

Oh and I've noticed my dick getting hard faster and more easily, not that it was hard before (puns) but now it goes from soft to rock hard at the sight of a nice ass lol.

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By Letscompare [Ignore] 18,May,24 15:27
Awesome! And all that is just from you taking the supplements that you mentioned you’d be taking in a previous blog??
By What-once-was [Ignore] 19,May,24 04:14
Yeah, I dropped the celery (couldn't stand the taste lol) but the other stuff has been once a day with dinner.

Not going to say they are some kind of miracle workers but I've definitely got a higher libido than normal even if it doesn't end up increasing my ejaculation amount, to be fair I cum a pretty good amount anyway so maybe I'm just already squirting out the max my nuts produce at a time lol.

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