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By routemaster [Ignore] 27,May,24 03:29   Pageviews: 62

I'm off again this Friday to Scotland, my favourite part of the UK, meeting my Edinburgh resident friend there and going straight on for three days and nights in Fife, including a visit to Perth which I've been to before but don't know quite as well as I do Edinburgh and Glasgow, then back for two days and nights in Edinburgh before arriving home, ETA 10.30 p.m. on Wednesday, 5th June.

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By routemaster [Ignore] 31,May,24 01:39
Many thanks, my friends, I'm off soon on the 393 miles journey to Edinburgh and then another 25 miles or so to Glenrothes once I've met my great friend at Edinburgh Waverley station. So I must dash now, have a good week, back on the site next Thursday. xxxxxxxxxxx

By Kikifriday [Ignore] 27,May,24 18:47
Have a lovely trip mate!

By furluvr [Ignore] 27,May,24 10:27
Have a great holiday!

By tb1 [Ignore] 27,May,24 06:13
I wish you a good trip my friend

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