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By Frekluvr [Ignore] 03,Jun,24 19:41   Pageviews: 52

Went to a cruising spot crossdressed last night, no makeup or anything tho. Been there once before in normal clothes and sucked a couple cocks but not for very long. One couldn't get hard. Last night i didn't really feel connected to crossdressing, i didn't really consider myself a crossdresser. I think maybe cuz I'm not on prep so I know I'm not gonna do any anal. Anyway, never thought I'd really do that but now i kinda want to just give myself in to getting banged by a bunch of guys. I'm still not really attracted to men generally but i do love cock and i do love fucking dildos. Anyway, guess I'm evolving and it's going further than i thought.

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By Harrym [Ignore] 05,Jun,24 10:08
Love it, go all the way
By Frekluvr [Ignore] 08,Jun,24 08:13
I've sucked a couple anonymous cocks in bushes. One time traded on n off with two guys behind a tree by a river. Fucked a handful of tgirls, a couple with my ex. But yeah, still haven't gotten full on drilled by a guy yet. I'll get there I'm sure but i wanna get on prep first for sure

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