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Mastrubation exploration

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By rossfin [Ignore] 25,Nov,24 06:34   Pageviews: 115

When I was about 12 I accidentally discovered that I could produce a fair amount of semen by rubbing my cock with my index finger moving underneath the head of my dick. When I was circumcised, the Dr, left a sizeable amount of my foreskin attached to the underside of my cock. It still feels amazing when I play with it. Only later on, I started using a closed fist to get off.

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By Dave4851 [Ignore] 06,Dec,24 20:57
Wonderful memories at that age. Wish I had been cut looser like you.

By nekekal [Ignore] 25,Nov,24 16:38
I started by rubbing the exposed head of my cock against my bed sheets, probably around 6 to 8 years old or so. I played with it constantly. Rubbing. It got stiff. It was fun. My older brother used to play with mine because his was much smaller. When he was about 12 and I was nine, he showed me the closed hand around the shaft method of jacking off and I started ejaculating by doing this and then I really could not leave it alone.
By rossfin [Ignore] 25,Nov,24 22:21
I just checked out your cock pictures. Oh, my!!! That is a magnificent package.
By nekekal [Ignore] 25,Nov,24 23:28
Thank you. I have always enjoyed my cock and tried to share it with anyone interested.

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