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By routemaster [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 10:38   Pageviews: 43

Hello all, I am going on a short break with a friend in Newcastle and will be back home sometime on Tuesday evening. I shall probably be very tired then so back on this site on Wednesday. Also, I should like to apologise to those who have sent messages but might not yet have had a reply, even if you sent them some time ago. I have not been all that well lately, I know that sounds like a rather feeble excuse but it is, I promise you, the truth. So do please forgive me and I shall endeavour to get back to you all when I am back from Newcastle, I really do need this break. Cheers for now! Luv RM xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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By Dougal [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 11:32
Greet Newcastle, where I studied, from me.
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 17:03
How nice, Newcastle is great city, one of my favourites.

By #724092 [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 12:54
Enjoy the break my friend!
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 17:03
I did, thank you

By tb1 [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 14:14
Have a good trip
By routemaster [Ignore] 18,Dec,24 17:03
Thank you, mu=y friend

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