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Suicidal Deer

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By wycowboy [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 14:44   Pageviews: 40

We took off a couple of days before Thanksgiving to visit our son and his wife in Cannon Beach, Oregon for the holiday. We stayed about a week and had a great time.

On our way home, Dec 3rd, we got about 7 or 8 miles from our exit when a deer appeared in our headlights. I live in Wyoming so it was a mule deer, a BIG one. My wife was driving and she did her best to avoid it but the left front hit which threw us into a skid.

We went off the highway, and my struggled to get the caqr back in to control. While she did that I was getting bounced around like a ping pong ball as I didn't have a seatbelt on. She finally got it stopped, after taking out a couple of delineator posts.

The dash air bags didn't go off but the seat and side ones on my side did. My elbow or head hit the window and shattered it. My back and neck were very much in pain as was my head and I was bleeding from my elbow. I got a ride to the ER in an ambulance where they xrayed my hip and back and did a Cat Scan on my head and neck.

Nothing broke thankfully and I got 7 stitches in my elbow. They considered keeping me over night but finally released me. The next day my wife got to looking at me and I had a huge deep purple bruise on my left hip, A pretty good 2 inch slice on my right ass cheek, another huge deep purple bruise on right arm and various other little cuts from glass.

I am feeling better now and my wife just removed the stitches. I am mending well, the bruises are fading and I am mostly pain free.

The moral of this is, wear your seatbelt! My wife had hers on and came out of this in good shape. If I would have had mine on I probably would have too.

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By Tempp [Ignore] 07,Jan,25 16:32
Glad you’re recovering ok. I once saw a minor accident where the driver got serious knee injury w/o seatbelt. People don’t think about that sometimes. But glad you’re not hurt worse.

By nekekal [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 23:01
Yes. I ran into a suicidal deer a couple of years ago. I had my seat belt on and it was a sort of low speed accident. Killed the deer. White tail, which are not very big. Did over $3000 damage to the car.

Good luck to you.

By Celestial [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 17:00
It's important to wear seatbelts.

By t-rex [Ignore] 14,Dec,24 15:04
What a shame, glad you are healing and you are both ok. Here in Pa we have tons of collisions with deer, yes, wear your seatbelts !

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