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White House Assassin

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By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 08:08   Pageviews: 66


I HOPE THAT I'M WRONG ABOUT THIS [but I do pay attention to the thoughts that cross my mind].

I suspect that Donald Trump will be assassinated inside the White House this year (2025).
His body will be disposed of similar to Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul, Turkey on October 2, 2018.
A body double [Hollywood-type stunt-person] will attempt to keep the circus performing while a
murder investigation is conducted inside the White House.

Most likely, his remains will never be recovered. However, I suppose it's a possibility that he
may be buried in the Rose Garden, but it's also more likely that he'll be fed to some sharks
swimming in the Gulf of America.


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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 12:23
There is no actor in the world capable of playing Trump's derangement accurately. Everyone would see it, the first time he opens his mouth. I'm afraid that we are stuck with him for four years. I just hope he makes such an incredible mess of the US, that Americans finally wake up. It sucks that people need to suffer, but sometimes that's necessary to prevent even more suffering. I just hope we survive the four years, because Trump having access to nukes is much more dangerous than Putin's threat. Putin is evil,
but at least he has a brain.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 14:04
Trump has never threatened to use nuclear, but Putin has, to me that makes Putin the biggest threat other then china.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 14:07
I don’t like trump either or Biden, or Harris, but I’m willing to give trump a chance, he’s already doing some things that I like,,, and some that I don’t like just like every president has done, let’s wait and see what happens before passing judgment.
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 14:00
How do you think it worked out last time, when he got a chance?
By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 13:58
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Nuclear weapons are INTENDED as a threat. It's the only use they have, unless you are crazy.
Putin seems like a man who understands that. I'm not saying I trust Putin with them, but there is a difference in character why I'm less scared about Putin using them. Putin is a cold motherfucker,
who is calculated and cares about his legacy. He knows that using nukes means the end of the world.
Then there would be no one left to remember him. Trump is a hothead. He doesn't consider anything that he does, he just does what feels right at the moment. It has put him in trouble all his life and it can put the world in trouble, if he gets crazy.

What has China ever done to put them at the top of your danger list?
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 15:03
Your kidding right,

By slipper [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 12:05
Yeah, I recall seeing this episode of the Twilight Zone.
By Celestial [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 04:26
Thanks slipper,
I'm so glad to have contributed to an episode of the Twilight Zone.

By Cody8789 [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 03:05
How typical, /member.php?w=91489 blacklisted me because my view of trump was not his view, how childish that man is and so unintelligent where he has to blacklist like a child. Gntlmn is uneducated where he can’t hold a normal conversation without acting like a five year old.
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 03:25
Gntlmn, if your too immature to talk politics, don’t have discussions with the big boys
By Celestial [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 04:11
HI Cody8789,

There are also several immature and thin-skinned members on this site who won't allow
"invisible" members view their profile.

IF an "invisible" member leaves any comment(s), then their handle is shown!
I think those members are idiots.

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 22:15
Malaria will kill him.
By Celestial [Ignore] 24,Jan,25 04:09


By dgraff [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 09:10
I had a similar thought but mine is more likely to come true i thought that Joe Biden goes to be with his buddy jimmy carter and Kamala Harris lost everything and resorts to sucking Willy browns Willy for spare change the very place where she began
By Cody8789 [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 11:00
I think you both may be right
By Celestial [Ignore] 23,Jan,25 11:20

Ah, dgraff, my friend.
I knew you had a handle on politics!

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