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Penises in porn (Borrowed)

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By SilverCrest [Ignore] 25,Jan,25 10:15   Pageviews: 97

Some people may watch lots of porn and some may watch none at all. Some may have seen small clips here and there and others may watch it occasionally. There are lots of reasons people watch porn, including to get sexual stimulation or excitement alone or with a partner as a way of discovering new things about sex and sexuality.

There are lots of different types of porn, but the types of porn that are free or easily accessible often portray only limited types of body shapes and sizes and certain types of sex. The people in it probably don’t look like most of us, the things they do may be things lots of people don’t want to experience, and the way they treat each other can sometimes be humiliating, unpleasant or even violent. It is important to recognise that the way sex is portrayed in lots of porn is just a story or fantasy and may have nothing to do with how you or others would like to have sex.

Porn is also often not representative of how most people’s penises look or function; they are often much bigger than average, and the videos may give the impression that the actors are able to sustain an erection for a very long time, and can last a long time before orgasming.

For most people, this is not how their penises work, so while it can be tempting to compare your penis to those of actors in porn, this can be harmful for your self-esteem and understanding of how to have healthy sex and relationships.

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By onthelose [Ignore] 26,Jan,25 23:31
Porn is a good vehicle to cum to. I learned a lot about sex from porn. Of course you are right porn is often pretty far fetched, but we all know that???? The only negative is I have become jaded and porn doesn’t have the same affect on my erection. Age may have an affect I suppose also.

By nekekal [Ignore] 25,Jan,25 14:53
And your point is?

You are correct of course. It is fantasy. Except, most people would like to have sexual activity like in porn. Guys want to fuck beautiful women hours on end, cuming in them in many holes. And would love to have an eager enthusiastic woman who loves cock and cum.

Unlike the wife or gf who consents to being fucked, lays there like a dead fish, and wants to know if you are done yet so she can go to the shower and wash every trace of cum off of her body.

Porn is good fiction. I see nothing wrong with that.

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