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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 28,Jan,25 15:55   Pageviews: 79

About ten years ago I had a close male friend - I called us suck buddies. Neither of us were interested in any gay stuff like kissing or romance, but we both had a healthy interest in all the cock-related activities that didn't involve penetration. I'd had a handful of partners over my lifetime - most of them or one or a few times, and one that was long-term, very dominant and self-centered in doing what he wanted. This guy who became my favourite long-term suck buddy was perfect. Both of us liked giving head at least as much as getting it, and could spend hours sixty-nining. He had a smaller cock than me, which I liked a lot, as it was very comfortable for oral sex, and we were about as well matched as I could hope for. He's the only guy I'd ever had a simultaneous orgasm with. An absolutely perfect sexual encounter. Both of us loved sucking the other's cream and were really happy with the taste. An unfortunate incident that involved a misunderstanding put an end to things and I deeply regretted it and missed it. A few weeks ago, I ran into him unexpectedly and it was a good thing. I think both of us wanted to see things put right, and it just became a question of the right circumstances. Last night, he called and we made an arrangement to get together later this week. We didn't openly talk about what would happen, but I'm sure he's looking forward to us doing some mutual cocksucking. I've been jerking off repeatedly over the last few days thinking about it. I can hardly wait to have him shoot his creamy load in my mouth and swallow him.

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By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 02:01
We got together again tonight. It started off with a shower so things were squeaky clean. When we got out and laid down, I rimmed him. I'm sure it was a first for him and it went over really well. He eventually wanted to concentrate on me and wanted me to cum. I wasn't able to - Not anything he did wrong, but I'm still recouping from a prescription that I took back in October that's really limited my ability to orgasm. We had a good time,and I related some stories to him that went over well. He's finally gotten rid of the overgrown bush, which I like a lot.....No doubt it improved sensitivity, because when I was stroking his sack, he appeared to be near to cumming. He would like me to fuck him, but that's not something I'm really excited about. I guess it remains to be seen how that works out.

By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 31,Jan,25 01:07
I've spent a lot of time reliving this experience since it happened. I really loved having it happen. I realized, and found myself thinking more about it afterwards, that maybe the only thing I wish had been different was what I found when we were naked. Years ago when were playing regularly, we were both either close-cropped or shaved, and last night, when he took off his clothes, he had probably the longest, thickest pubic bush I've ever seen on a guy. I found it really restricting in a lot of ways.....When I tried to hold his cock in my hand, I was very aware that I might be pulling his pubic hair painfully, which I wanted to avoid. And, one of the things that I've always liked, that always got a great reaction from him, was being able to softly stroke his scrotum with no hair. I know from experience that it can be a really sensitive area that produces a lot of pleasure, and years ago, it always seemed to help in bringing him to orgasm. Last night, that wasn't an option. Although I liked sucking his cock, it was a lot more limited experience with all that hair in the way. And, I have to think, it likely affected how good it was for him - He didn't cum, which disappointed me. I was really disappointed - I would have felt a lot more rewarded by swallowing his cum than cumming myself. There's no doubt we're going to play again, and I'd guess fairly regularly. I hope that he gets rid of that bush.

By lovetolickyou [Ignore] 30,Jan,25 00:12
Tonight's the night it happened. We talked about life in general for quite a while, but finally got around to the subject. When we started talking about it, I realized we were both getting around to the subject that had been on our minds. Time was very limited, as my friend had a commitment to be home by a certain time, but we had about 20 minutes for a quick trip down memory lane. We both agreed that next time, it'll be the main event. This was really enjoyable.

By german_guy [Ignore] 29,Jan,25 15:03
did meet him in the meanwhile...plz tell us what the date was like

By cumonme1 [Ignore] 29,Jan,25 08:51
Hope you both have a great time, keep us posted on how it went

By #728889 [Ignore] 29,Jan,25 08:07
Good for you both ... but stop jerking off so he has something to swallow!

By tb1 [Ignore] 28,Jan,25 22:54
sweet read

By fish4free [Ignore] 28,Jan,25 16:56
Save him some cum don't jerk off to much

By t-rex [Ignore] 28,Jan,25 16:26
Best of luck, have fun

By tom272 [Ignore] 28,Jan,25 15:58
Enjoy your self.

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