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Members getting togethe

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By cumonme1 [Ignore] 30,Jan,25 10:19   Pageviews: 56

I wonder how many members are actually getting together for some sexual encounters, it seems like those who would like to meet up are always to far away or in other states. I would like to hear from all who have been able to get together and were they fairly local to your location.

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By onthelose [Ignore] 31,Jan,25 15:16
There are local men who have contacted me but no one I want to be with. Some interesting men to far away for anything but chat. Sadly.

By Cody8789 [Ignore] 31,Jan,25 04:33
I met a girl from this site about three years ago, she was about 600 miles away, I drove to a local place where we met, talked over lunch and she already had a room paid for which we went to,,, oh, I paid for lunch, she was married so I’m not saying her name even though she no longer is a member here. I know she enjoyed the time together but because she was happily married she never returned a call back to me.

By Ramko [Ignore] 31,Jan,25 01:28
I have never had a meet up but I really want to meet some because there are real gorgeous guys

By 4438cr [Ignore] 30,Jan,25 10:53
Ive had one hookup from here! Turned out he lived in town about an hour from me! One of the best bj I've ever had!!
By cumonme1 [Ignore] 30,Jan,25 12:14
That's great, an hour away is ok. Just not several hundred miles.

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