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Horny Fantasies

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By Surprise111 [Ignore] 31,Jan,25 16:41   Pageviews: 88

Fuck. I'm so horny right now. I willing to rip all my clothes off outside and walk down a busy street. Seeing, no begging for someone to stop and use my mouth and ass. Treat me as sub-human. Like a fuck toy. I wanna be a cock sucking, ass shaking, slut for a whole block of people, for an entire neighborhood. Just use and humiliate me all day and leave me in a garbage can somewhere random. With no ride home or any clothes. I'm forced to walk home in a completely shameful manner, butt naked dripping cum from every hole of my body. Of course not without trouble from the local homeless and maybe even police. Suck them all up, let them use my ass so they let me continue on my way home.

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By kunnaz [Ignore] 11,Feb,25 09:31
You're so horny
By Surprise111 [Ignore] 12,Feb,25 12:18
I get so horny sometimes I gotta tell everyone hehe

By needtocum7 [Ignore] 04,Feb,25 19:35
I've been thinking lately about get caught jerking off at the beach by 3 young toned blonde surfers who take turns sucking and Fucking me, then leave me there dripping from the mouth and ass begging for more
By Surprise111 [Ignore] 06,Feb,25 12:32
Let's go to a beach butt naked and wait for it

By Richie [Ignore] 01,Feb,25 09:13
so freaking hot
By Surprise111 [Ignore] 01,Feb,25 14:09
Thanks. Hope it helped hehe
By Richie [Ignore] 01,Feb,25 15:55
oh it helped because i feel the same way lol. Wish we could both be used the same way at the same time

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