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Super Bowl LIX

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By Celestial [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 08:29   Pageviews: 60


The Super Bowl is TODAY (Feb/09/2025) in New Orleans.
There will be all kinds of security present [especially since 80% RUMP will be attending].
After all, this is CAESAR'S SUPERDOME (and 80% RUMP believes he's the "chosen one").

This means that there'll probably be a distraction or two. For sure, the criminal element
will be present; 80% RUMP wants to see a show... Jan/6 style.

What follows AFTER the game depends on who wins... and that's anybody's guess. Correct?

In all likelihood, my guess is a Saint Valentine's Day massacre may follow on Friday, but
where [in which city]?


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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 12:22
I'm hoping for a real life sequel to the movie, Black Sunday, starring Bruce Dern
By Celestial [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 16:10
Thanks for your comment, Gntlmn.

I had no idea that such a movie existed, so I checked YouTube. Sure enough, there it is!
So, I watched a short trailer of the movie.
And the "writing in the sky" said it was a "GOOD YEAR."

By dgraff [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 09:36
Another first for our government
Donald trump is the first president to attend a Super Bowl
Being that I’m from Pennsylvania I have to go with the Philadelphia eagles
By tb1 [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 12:38
The NFL’s slogan “End Racism” has been eliminated from the end zones in honour (?) of dictator Donald Trump’s attendance.
By Celestial [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 15:50
Thanks for commenting, tb1,
I wonder who decided that... or if they were paid to make it disappear?
By Celestial [Ignore] 09,Feb,25 15:40
Thanks for your comment, dgraff.
Philadelphia... is that the city of brotherly LVE?

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