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Great memories of the past

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By MYDICK4U [Ignore] 10,Feb,25 17:34   Pageviews: 58

Let us go back about 30 years, I was in my mid 30's and had a lot of extra energy. We lived in a large apartment complex (my wife and I) we regularly had neighbors over for visits or to watch tv and special events. One female neighbor became very good friends with my wife and me. She was divorced and had one school aged son. During the day she would stop by and have coffee with my wife and I if I wasn't doing something else. Let me call her Nancy. Nancy was a pretty petit brunet with a very flirty attitude. Anyways after a few months my wife was getting board so she got a parttime job at the local convenient store, Donna's schedule was varied and sometimes she was called in to cover, Nancy would stop by still not knowing Donna was working, we would have coffee sometimes or we would watch tv. One day I was resting after working the third watching some porn I had on tape (YES TAPE) like aways Nancy walked in just as the guy in the movie was going down on the women! Nancy saw it and said man I wash I could get some of that! I looked up to see her eye wide looking at the screen. I quickly shut the tv off and Nancy started to complain she needed to see more of that. She sat down grabbed the remote and turned it back on. Nancy said to me she hasn't been eaten like that for so long she has only dreamed about it. As we sat and watch the porn she told me how Donna and her their girl talks, Donna told her how I like to eat her pussy, Nancy told her that most of the guys she sees now want to fuck or get blowjobs they don't what to eat her pussy and she even keeps it shaved, at that moment she stands drops her short and panties and there it is, one beautiful bald pussy. I'm sorry I am a guy who loves pussy, but between the porn and bald pussy?
I probably a bad person for this but I ate her pussy right there on the couch, she came on my face at least 3 times and with my finger in her pussy I felt every pulsation run through her tunnel. I spent about an hour between her legs. By the time I was done my jaw and neck ached and she was so exhausted I helped her back to her apartment before my wife got back.
I didn't see Nancy for a few days and thought maybe I went too far. Donna asked if I had seen Nancy lately, I hadn't
so, she went to check on her I hoped it wasn't a mistake. A little while later Donna came home and said that Nancy was just under the weather for the last few days. That was Saturday my wife isn't scheduled weekends unless there's a call off. Nancy did go to work on Monday and Nancy stopped by just after she left, we need to talk! OK, I said have a seat. She starts off with "I'm sorry for what happened the other d ay but with the porn and my thoughts of how good that must feel I couldn't help" I stopped her right there; I told her it wasn't just her that I was a willing participant and that I thought we both enjoyed the moment. She looked at me, her blue eyes glistening and spoke may I return the favor, I smiled and said it wasn't necessary That I enjoyed her pleasure as much as she did BUT I wouldn't stop you from trying.
Nancy gave me one of the best blowjobs I have had in a long time, Nancy finished me with a swallow, my wife will only finish me on her tits.
One day after working the third shift I came home to find my wife and Nancy entwined in each other enjoying the others taste, I couldn't help myself a quick shower and I joined them. We spent most of the rest of the day playing with each other and pleasuring the other.
Ower lease was up in a few months, so Donna and I bought a house in the country, Nancy and her son visit from time to time, at least once a month her son's father will take him for the weekend and Nancy visits for fun. Nancy is a great friend she has found a new guy, and we have blended him into Ower playtime and Donna is happy to have new and different dick to play with and experience. That was more that 30 years ago how time flies and memories are all that's left, Nancy Thank You for the time we all had together.

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By 4438cr [Ignore] 11,Feb,25 17:14
Just got invited to 50 year class reunion. Brings back fond memories of first time things!!

By Caliboner [Ignore] 11,Feb,25 09:56
Good times! What fun!

By tb1 [Ignore] 11,Feb,25 03:09
Good read thanks

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