This is closer to the Truth, the wHOLE Truth, AND nothing but the Holy Truth.
Hammurabi [1792BCE - 1750BCE] chiseled His LAW into some huge rocks, then placed them where
the general population could read them!
Moses [1312BCE] comes along a few hundred years later and bakes some clay tablets on a mountain.
Personally, I believe he PLAGIARIZED Hammurabi's work and effort!
Moses gets pissed off and breaks his tablets, so he had to go back up the mountain to get some more!
By the way, there's absolutely NO record that Moses ever enrolled in anger management class!
Miraculously, his tablets survive and end up being stored in the Ark of the Covenant... which happens
to be an OVERSIZED capacitor which continually collects ions from the atmosphere. Before it built up
a charge of ONE FARAD capacitance, it was quite capable of killing ANY person it discharged into!
P.S. (I think this may be why Iran hates the Jews in Israel; Hammurabi lived in Iran/Persia.)
Thanks for commenting, nekekal.
I'm not sure about your statement, but I wouldn't doubt it, either! The box probably was empty.
I consider the Bible [KJV] to be a fairly accurate, quasi-history book of the Jews [written
BY the Jews FOR the Jews (probably to keep them united among themselves)].
The record shows that they're not trustworthy AND they have a problem with idolatry; presently,
they worship money. Israel has become a stink among the nations; their destiny is to suffer yet
another holocaust. The USA won't be able to save them from that wrath to come.
Hell is a very, Very, VERY HOT place where they sell fresh drinking water by the... DROP.
Sadly, the Jews don't have enough money to buy their first drop. They'll beg for a glass of water
from the Dead Sea.
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