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Driving totaly naked

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By Thong62 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 06:45   Pageviews: 67

I pulled in at the service station feeling horny, i decided on a challenge this was to park up and once out of the car to strip fully naked and place all my gear in the boot then get back in the car with no clothes as back up totaly nothing. In the process of stripping several cars came past in front of my car and one parked next to me, did you know people around there are blind no one blinked an eye.
My plan was to drive homeward about an hours drive and find a public car park to get dressed, the drive was very busy trafic slow dual lane at some points, it was exciting ive drove naked many times but what was more exciting was my destination for getting dressed.. more to follow

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By pipcock [Ignore] 22,Feb,25 16:06
I would enjoy that. But my biggest kick would be getting undressed in a public place. I also love walking around in hotel rooms knowing that people in other buildings can see me. I'm a wannabe exhibitionist! 🙄🙄🙄
By Thong62 [Ignore] 22,Feb,25 16:13
Ive done the hotel room thing and loved it even walking in corridors in the hotel what a rush and vary exciting.

By nudebloke [Ignore] 21,Feb,25 09:17
You aren't alone, nothing better than driving naked especially on a hot day with windows open, passing buses on my driver side is fun, though I'm not as brave as you, I need something close by just incase.

By Moench [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 12:31
This is the ultimative kick white the fear not get stopped by the police
By Thong62 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 12:46
I was passed by the police twice on the road.

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