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Being Vocal

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By RedBall [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 11:01   Pageviews: 43

I've always been quite vocal during sex of any sort, but particularly when I cum. I love hearing my partner grunting and groaning (and occasionally screaming!) as I fuck them, especially at that magical moment when we cum. Does anyone else get turned on by the noises that we make while fucking?

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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 20:29
I met a lady at a local bar and ended up at her place. She was very vocal and a very loud screamer. It was my first time with a screamer and it made me fuck her even harder. I sure we woke up half the block and everyone in the 3 story apartment building at 4 am . We fucked for 3 days. At the end of day 3 we had to stop before we lost both are jobs from calling in sick.

By nekekal [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 14:10
I love fucking noises. Unfortunately, I am pretty quiet, and most that I have fucked were pretty quiet. My conclusion was that I am not very good at it, and they are mostly enduring getting my cock in them, not really enjoying it.

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