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Underwear night at a gay bar

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By lance150 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 13:07   Pageviews: 47

Last week, I went on vacation and flew into "Anywhere, USA" to visit my family. When I got into my rental car, I did a Google search for gay bars. That one that caught my attention was having underwear night. I'll call it "Rainbow's." So I quickly changed out of my boxers and into my white satin panties, then drove out to Rainbow's. When I showed up dressed in my jeans, sweater, and panties underneath, I noticed only about a dozen patrons, all fully dressed. But the bar tender was wearing boxer briefs. So I asked him if I could take my pants off even though nobody else did. He said I could. So I pulled down my pants, revealing to him and everyone in the place my skimpy little panties. But nobody seemed to notice. After having a beer, I walked into the video game room. One Asian guy was playing. I sat down at the machine across from him. He left his machine, then sat down at the one next to me. He looked down at my panties with interest. So I turned his way and opened up my legs for a better view. The Asian guy pulled out my dick and started rubbing it. So there I am, with my hard dick out in a public place. He leaned in the kiss me. I turned away at first, but then went for it, kissing another man on the lips for the first time. I asked him to go out onto the dance floor with me so he could grope me in front of everyone. But he wouldn't do it. So I got up on the dance floor myself, showing off 'white boy moves' while pitching a tent. And still, nobody seemed to notice me (except for the bartender telling me to behave). So I put my pants back on and left. This is a true story except for the name of the bar and location. I know there's a bar 100 miles from me that has an underwear night, and I would love to try it out. The problem is I don't get the time off to go there on that particular day of the week.

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By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 17:48
Guys are becoming more discreet these days, even in a men's locker room.
By lance150 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 21:10
Being discreet in a men's locker room is understandable because most men aren't gay. But in a gay bar, you'd think the patrons would drop their inhibitions.
By PITBULL [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 22:08
You think gay men should be more explicit in their environment. But that's not the case.
By lance150 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 23:08
After seeing what goes on in clothing optional environments, I did get that impression.

By saucyman [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 14:13
Sounds hot 🔥
By lance150 [Ignore] 20,Feb,25 15:15
Thanks! Did you actually read thru my whole blog? I know it went long and I hope it didn't bore you.

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