Your preferences are for yourself. I prefer my cock, balls and ass to be shaved. Maybe a little of my upper thighs to be shaved too. Whatever, I also like my armpits and stomach shaved as well and my chest hair kept in check....
It's really your preference. I shave my cock and balls and trim the rest of the pubic area. May ass I leave natural hairy. Couldn't imagine going through the "grow back" in my crack! LOL
As a gay man I am privvy to the unadulterated opinions and comments of my femme friends and we have discussed this issue (amongst others) many times and I say to you right now, keep the hair!
Most I have had this discussion with have voiced the opinion that it's disgusting and quite disturbing for a man to completely shave his pubes off, however it is highly recommended to keep pubes trimmed neatly. I couldn't agree more with them. Rarely you will find a woman who likes the shaved look, but most won't like it.
Looking at your pictures, I say you already have just the right amount of pubic hair, not too bushy and not too short! Don't shave it all off!
Most I have had this discussion with have voiced the opinion that it's disgusting and quite disturbing for a man to completely shave his pubes off, however it is highly recommended to keep pubes trimmed neatly. I couldn't agree more with them. Rarely you will find a woman who likes the shaved look, but most won't like it.
Looking at your pictures, I say you already have just the right amount of pubic hair, not too bushy and not too short! Don't shave it all off!
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