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Start a chat and he suddenly disappears

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By cockforcock [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 04:21   Pageviews: 92

This now happens quite often. while online on SYD, I regularly start a conversation with someone nice and sometimes he or she suddenly disappears without even telling that they are leaving. how annoying. please, can you just be kind enough to tell when you are not interested anymore.

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By Asphaltcowboy [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 19:39
Yes it does happen but I’ve been lucky that it doesn’t happen to often

By furluvr [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 11:46
Common courtesy, like common sense and common decency, are no longer common.
By ahardcorecase [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 14:33
Well said, SW., my friend-(also it's true)👍....And "kudos" to you, cfc. for bringing up a troubling trend.👍
By bella! [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 15:48
Amen! 👍

By smallgamer [Ignore] 25,Feb,25 08:09
This happens to me too quite often and I find it very unpolite! If I chat with somebody and I have to leave I always tell him/her!

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