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By Celestial [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 10:21   Pageviews: 60


Pheromones are marvelous mating scents!
Yin-Yang says they make perfect sense!
If you can bottle them, then 'yule' make a LOT of cents!


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By slipper [Ignore] 26,Feb,25 12:35
The latest I've seen in the research lit is that they're effects have been over stated. Just sayin'...
By Celestial [Ignore] 27,Feb,25 00:33
Well, when I was in my teens, my nose was VERY keen. A pregnant woman smelled different than
a woman who was menstruating. Now that I'm much older, my sense of smell has diminished
By skyking [Ignore] 27,Feb,25 13:03
I might add, the scrotum has hair follicles,which are also
....scent glands. I realized how arrousing it could be,so I asked my Doc.about it,and where the aroma is produced.

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