When I stepped out of my back door early this morning, it was crystal clear outside AND
there was the first-quarter moon WITH the planet Venus so brilliant near the moon!
Wow, I thought to myself, if the moon was just a little bit earlier in its orbit, it
would look like a crescent. And with Venus shining so brilliantly, it all made me
think of the "Crescent & Star" [a globally accepted symbol of Islam].
Something that has ALWAYS impressed me about Muslims is they get down on their knees
when they worship.
I don't recall ever seeing Christians do this. WHY?
His crucifixion was a "religious" sex-ritual, and the Eucharist is symbolic cannibalism.
After one group fucked, tortured, and killed him, then another group (his disciples} came
and stole his body then ATE it.
Are you salivating for some Soylent Green crackers... with sour cream?
Or would you prefer to try the crackers with salsa sauce?
Oh. Do you like
Bad knees from working hard? Don't they make knee implants?
Yes, I've seen kneeling "benches" when I was young, but now that I'm much older, I think
that's a good idea.
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