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Brotherly Love

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By Caliboner [Ignore] 07,Mar,25 18:19   Pageviews: 72

Some of this is true and some is pure fantasy.
I’m the youngest of four siblings. Twins oldest bro and sis middle sister and me.
I always loved ad admired my big bro. He tolerated me when we were kids and teased a lot. Our father ww11 et and had some PTSD, co placated by the family curse, alcoholism. He ended his life in '62. Leavi g Mom a widow and us kids fatherless. A coup,e of years later Mom remarried and some balance was restored. Rob my older brother has his own room I the basement where he was becoming a hippie and experimenting with various drugs. I thought he was super cool. Older Sis mover out first to college dorms and after some clashes over smoking pot , Rob moved out too., and was living in an artist commune place in Berkeley. He had a roomate who was painting g large lifelike nudes, and had magazines of nudist people lying around. No porn, but fully naked men and women. It made me hot. Mom made sure him and I had time together and I liked to hippie lifestyle. Seeing his girlfriends naked swimming at the river and such.
He took me on a backpacki g trip in the sierras when I was 16. Six older hippies and me in The backcountry . We dropped acid and ram around naked a lot. I watched one couple fucking and jerked my little dick. I was virgin and super horny.
After the trip we were back in the Bay Area at mom and dads place. The folks were up at the property in Mendocino and I was expected to hitchhike up there.
Rob and I were alone at the house and after showers from the backpacking trip sat around drinking g wine and talking. We got to hugging and even some real kisses. Both aroused. I was 16 and he was 22. He got kinda freaked out, and said he had to work the next day and left me there alone to jerk off and imagine him and I together.
The next winter, Rob and I went to the property in Mendo for a weekend getaway. We dropped acid and went for a long wet rain hike under the redwoods. Deep canyons and steep climbs incredible climbs. Both of us sitting high up in a redwood tree smoki g a joint and watching the rain . I told him how I liked the way we kissed the summer before. We hugged and kissed again up there in the tree blazi g on acid I told him I loved him and we kissed and were aroused. Then it was late and we had a long hike back to the house so we broke off and when we got back built a big fire and took off our wet things. And warmed ourselves and got intimate again. Kissing and hugging naked our hard cocks touching. He started to stroke me and I came almost Immediately, shooting g all over both of us. There on the rug in front of the big fireplace. Then he pushed my head down and I sucked him off the first time. Our hard coxks almost identical ,cut with fat flared helmet heads rubbing together. When he shot his load in my mouth I was surprised and felt so good we licked our cum off eachother and played there until the drugs wore off and we slept in eachother's arms.
We played some more in the morning and he wanted to fuck me. We used olive oil for lube and when he got his hard cock in my butt I was so aroused cumming in a slow stream as he fucked me slowly to his orgasm. Iit was brotherly love at its best.
Our livesdiverged for about a decade, both got married and had kids. My marriage didn’t last long, he still is to the same woman.
I experimented with guys and chased women, he moved to Texas and raised a family.
We never talked about our sex adventures when we were young.
About 20 years ago I was getting into cybersex and playing online was safe enough. I met a guy in a bisex chat room , called himself silver fox. We had some hot and heavy cyber play, and in chat we realized we were from the same town, and comparing notes the same neighborhood. He loved cyber oral sex and said how he wanted to suck a cock so bad, but his life didn’t allow. I said pretty much the same. Him and Imet in the same chat room many times. I started to suspect it was Rob. And I’m pretty sure he knew it was me. Was kinda surreal. Neither of us would cop to being us.
Scroll forward another decade and I was a professional Al artist maki g large scale art for burning man. Rob was helping with design and art. I invited him to come with to the playa. He flew out and we drove up together in the big truck with the monumental sculpture. I had a crew of 12 and we rented a big travel trailer people crashing all over the place. Drinki g and drugging and generally having a blast!
One night the rest of the crew were out partying g and Rob and I alone in camp
He had just turned 70 and me in my 60’s sitting by the fire garden talking amd drinking red wine remembering. I brought up the cyberer and asked if that was him. He admitted and told me how much he loved remembering our times together back in the day. The hugs and kisses started like it was just before. Both hard and aroused for eachother again. I reached and caressed his well remembered cock , felt like a kid again. And we sucked eachother taking turns .tasting and enjoying. We had a week up there and enjoyed ourselves repeatedly when we could get away from the rest of the crew. Driving the big truck back to the Bay Area we talked about how great it had been and both glad we had a chance to relive. I still get hard when I think about it.

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