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My first experience with a man

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By inquisitive81 [Ignore] 15,Mar,25 09:58   Pageviews: 93

I only had one experience with a guy and this is how it went down (the story is 100% true).

It happened with a former roommate of mine. We shared an apartment once, nothing ever happened, actually quite the opposite was the case, we both had girls over, went partying and drinking, were like buddies, nothing sexual ever crossed my mind back then.

Then I left the country for a sabbatical and moved to a different city when I came back to Germany. Some day he had a business trip near my city, so he came to visit me and asked if he could sleep over. That's roughly 2.5 years after I moved out of our shared apartment. Same old, we went out for dinner and had a couple of drinks, fun chats, the usual, just like the good old times. No sexual tension whatsoever, just two buddies hanging out.

After finishing dinner, we went back to my apartment, had another beer and called it a day. I brushed my teeth and went to my bedroom, he had the couch in my living room next door. We weren't super tired yet, so we were still talking loudly to each other with both doors open, making jokes, mocking each other. Well, just what friends do. But eventually he said something like "Watch out, or I'll come over to your room!" (or something like that, I don't remember the exact words). I responded something back jokingly, but somehow already sensed that there was something more than "just" the mocking, so I already got a little nervous. I said something like "Oh, you wouldn't dare", to which he responded with "Trust me, I'll come over". My heart was in my mouth at that moment, because I had previously often fantasized about having an experience with a man, and I knew that this was probably the best chance I'd ever get. So I took all my courage and said "Well, go on then".

[Side note/for context: I had just moved into that apartment and had bought a new bed with a new mattress, which turned out to be way too soft for my back, so I had put a mattress topper on the floor next to the bed to sleep on. It's just a little detail that's not really important for the story, but it makes the following more "real" since it really happened like that.]

It only took a couple of seconds for him to come to my room. He laid next to me on the topper and reached for my crotch right away without much hesitation, rubbing my dick through the fabric of my boxers. He quietly said something like "I didn't know you were up for this kind of stuff this as well". I was breathing heavily and whispered "I've never done anything like this before." and he responded back with "Me neither" (I didn't really believe him because he was so determined and confident, but I didn't mind - maybe he just wanted me to be a bit less nervous by saying that he also hadn't had any experience with men before). The rest pretty much went with hardly any words exchanged. His hand slipped into my boxers, starting to stroke my dick. I also reached over to his crotch and slipped my hand into his boxers. My heart was beating madly because I was so nervous. His cock was already half hard and I started stroking it. It was really big, I didn't expect that. It felt good and I liked the feeling of it growing and getting harder in my hand. Our boxers were still up and in the way, we both pulled them down and took them off real quick, along with our t-shirts, so we were now both fully naked. We continued stroking each other a little longer. His cock got fully hard really quickly. Like I said, it was really big. My roommate is neither skinny nor small, but he's a rather thin and average type of guy. Good looking, though. I just didn't expect that big of a cock on him, a good 7 or 7.5 inches. Really thick. And a really nice one, too. No curve, just straight, and very handsome.

After a minute or so, I suggested to move over onto the bed because there was much more space than on that narrow topper. We laid next to each other again and he was stroking my cock again. But even though I was super excited, I was so nervous that I couldn't really get hard. It usually is like that with me, though, also with women. My mind races and it's hard for me to focus and enjoy in the beginning. I usually need two or three attempts to get an erection after having met someone and getting intimate in bed. I don't know why, my brain just works like that.

Anyway, since the same thing was happening to me at that moment, I took his hand that was stroking me and gently pulled it away, telling him again that I had never done anything like this before and was super nervous. With that, I basically tried to explain to him why I wasn't getting an erection, and that it wouldn't help if he kept going. He said something like, "Don't worry about it, it's my first time too." So he also let go and lay on his back, because I had already started stroking his cock again.

Because it's strange... even though I didn't have an erection, I was super aroused by what I was doing and totally "in the moment". Yes, I was nervous, but somehow in that moment I shed my shyness, leaned forward and took his cock in my mouth. It happened really quickly and I remember my roommate moaning loudly as my lips closed around it. Still holding his cock with my right hand, I started to move my head up and down and suck him. I remembered very well that his cock gave off a special scent and taste. I can't really describe it, but if there's one word that comes to mind, it's 'manly'. And I really liked it.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having this nice hard cock in my mouth. I tried to go deeper, but due to lack of practice, I didn't get that far. But still deep enough that my roommate let out another loud moan when I suddenly took him as deep in my mouth and throat as I could. I continued to suck his cock and felt that he was about to come, so I let go and took my hand to make him come. I jerked him faster and faster until he came with a loud moan. He squirted on his stomach and on the sheets, but some of his cum also dripped down his cock and onto my hand. I really liked the warm and wet feeling of it.

That's how it went down. We exchanged a couple of words and then he went over to his room. I couldn't sleep for a couple of hours because I was still flustered from what I had just experienced.

The next morning was a little weird and uncomfortable. I knew my roommate was in no hurry and could have stayed another day, but he insisted on leaving in the morning. I had hoped for another opportunity to suck him off and enjoy it a bit more than the night before, and even approached him about it, but he just smiled and said "Next time." I think he felt uncomfortable with the situation or even regret, and maybe that's why wanted to leave right away.

And that was actually the last time we were in contact with each other. Neither of us got in touch with the other one ever again after that incident. It's kind of a pity, but we were probably both a bit afraid of our own courage.

Looking back, I could have done so much more with his cock, but I was so nervous that I couldn't really think straight. So hopefully, I can repeat that experience with someone else again soon.

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By german_guy [Ignore] 16,Mar,25 12:33
too bad that u didn't have another chance to have fun with the other guy

By Tattoo [Ignore] 15,Mar,25 13:08
I had a long term school mate and then we were both out of work work for some years together (being the 80s). Some years went past and we both had girlfriends for many years and I had my own house.
One day we arranged to meet up for old time sake and go out into the local town, which we did and got pissed. On the way back from town we stopped at my place, I think for more drink, and after about an hour, my friend just pulled down my pants and went straight to sucking my cock, just out of the blue, he was complaining why I wasn't hard, I was in shock but I let him suck it, but did not cum. After that he left and like you we never met again. After years and years of friendship.

By Caliboner [Ignore] 15,Mar,25 10:54
Your story rings true. And I hope you get to have that experience again.

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