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Time Has Come Today

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By Celestial [Ignore] 19,Mar,25 15:21   Pageviews: 49


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Is it time for We the People to make an example of Mr. Donald J. Trump?

NOW is the time for all good men AND women to come to the aid of their country.


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By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 21,Mar,25 12:31
Nice musical history there.
The second video is Dutch. I still listen to "Twilight Zone" in my car occasionally.

I'm afraid we have to suffer the presidency of Mr. Donald J. Trump a bit longer.
Until an even larger majority recognizes how toxic his plans are for them,
I want him to show how much he hates his own voters, even more.

Many of his voters are already feeling betrayed. Haven't you seen the town halls full of angry people?
With the damage he has done in just this time, I expect it to soon turn into utter chaos.
Enough of them will leave the cult. The only thing you need to do is support the Democrats who pose
an alternative and fight the Democrats who enable him, like sucker Chuck Schumer.
By Celestial [Ignore] 22,Mar,25 17:52

Thanks for the compliment on the musical history.

Yes, I've seen that town hall meetings have sprung up all across the country. It would be nice
if a larger majority got their eyes opened SOONER, rather than later! Town halls full of angry
people [AND VOTERS] are a real good indication of how the larger majority is catching on to
his toxic goals. A lot of Republicans are mortified about attending them! I'm curious as to
how many (in both houses of congress) have been BRIBED! One thing I'm convinced about is the
political landscape here is about to become ultraviolent... to the point of various states
forming their own individual coalition of governments and Washington D.C. will no longer be
the capital.

By Ananas2xLekker [Ignore] 22,Mar,25 18:06
They are ALL bribed. Large donations from wealthy people are bribes.
They have many loopholes to personally enrich themselves from the donations.
The most corrupt are the superPACs, because there is no limit to the amount they can donate
and it's not transparent. Of course that have their fancy dinners, where they tell the politicians
what they want them to do for the money.

This is not just in the US, since the right-wing has been gaining ground in The Netherlands,
we have been dropping in the rankings of corruption watchdogs, for government transparency.
We have also been warned several times by the official European anti-corruption agency,
for our escalating lobby-culture. Right-wingers are corrupt, always, everywhere. It's a rule.
By Celestial [Ignore] 22,Mar,25 18:24

I remember years ago when the Supreme Court changed the rule on political donations.
I knew right then that things would start going downhill. Now, things have also picked
up speed.

It appears that the brake pedal, along with the brake drums & pads have been removed
from the cart. Brace yourself for the collision to come!


By dgraff [Ignore] 19,Mar,25 17:48
All the good men and women did come together that’s why Donald Trump is our president now
The democrats got lazy and didn’t work for it
By Celestial [Ignore] 20,Mar,25 08:26
You get the highest marks for LOYALTY, dgraff. I tend to think that the Secret Service would
hire you in an instant because you sound just like the kind of person they're looking for...
someone who's willing to die for Trump.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 22,Mar,25 14:25
But not for the truth

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 20,Mar,25 02:44
It's a deserved end for a colonialist nation, founded upon genocide and slavery. A nuclear war is far more merciful than the ravages of climate change.
By Celestial [Ignore] 20,Mar,25 08:26
Gntlmn, the bitter end is in view on the horizon.
REAP WHAT YOU SOW not only applies to people, but their government(s) as well.
Climate change is Divine Justice.

By nekekal [Ignore] 19,Mar,25 22:29
It is hard for me to believe that even most trump voters are stupid enough to believe that they vote for cutting 80K workers in Medicare so it collapses, or the same number in the VA. Service was bad enough before. Or invent the lie that Ukraine was responsible for being invaded, or were dying to irritate the canadians, or raise the price of food, or killing of the stock market.
By Celestial [Ignore] 20,Mar,25 08:26
Thanks, nekekal. There's also, the social security Ponzi scheme. They're just like corporate
raiders. Eventually, a decision may be made to remove them from office by any means necessary.

80% RUMP (Trump) is a good example of "You can fool some of the people ALL of the time, and
ALL of the people some of the time, but you can't fool ALL of the people ALL of the time.

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