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Sun of Gawd

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By Celestial [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 11:38   Pageviews: 33


SUN of GAWD? Good Gawd Almighty. (It's not the same "Son of God" in LUKE 1:35).

An ancient Egyptian civilization worshiped the SUN of GAWD because sHE gave us LIGHT, HEAT, and LIFE.
Venus LOOKS LIKE a star due to reflected light and its close proximity [to our sun] but it's only a planet.
Our sun is a TRUE STAR.

There's a reason I've brought up the subject of stars! I'm suspicious... and very, Very, VERY curious about
the moving star which could disappear, reappear, AND alter its course of travel that the Three Wise Men who
CAME from the east actually witnessed... and followed. Herod even asked them, "What time did the star appear?"
(You may read about the account in the Book of Matthew 2:1-12.

I THINK it was some kind of shiny KITE that someone was flying... at night!

I've been hearing the phrase "Question Everything." Well, I'm just getting started.
Thanks for reading. I hope to hear your feedback about my logic on this issue.


Click on the picture for an expanded view.


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By CAT52! [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 13:34
Wasn't that a movie, "A Start Is Born"? 🤣
By Celestial [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 14:08
I'm presuming that you meant "A Star is Born" and not "A Start is Born."
I Googled it and there was a movie 'A Star is Born' in 2018.
By CAT52! [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 17:20
My typing finger has a mind of it's own.🤣🤣
By Celestial [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 17:49
Have you thought about taking your typing finger to a Finger psychologist?
By CAT52! [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 17:57
I have. It seems it's a matter of jealousy. He wants to be the "middle finger"🤣
By Celestial [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 23:34

I suppose that's ok... if he knows his True purpose.


By Gntlmn [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 15:36
It was probably some jokers in a hot air balloon
By Celestial [Ignore] 25,Mar,25 17:52
Thanks, Gntlmn. I didn't think about a hot air balloon.

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