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Metaphysical adventures

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By soulpioneer [Ignore] 01,Jan,12 02:07   Pageviews: 361

Hi all, I'm also very into metaphysical/spiritual adventures, exploring the nature of 'being' and 'consciousness', spiritual cultures/traditions of both east and west. Unitarian-Universalist, Neo-Pagan, Mystic, Soul-Pioneer, Eclectic Voyager, Spiritualist, Pantheist, Hindu, Christian, New Thought visionary, writer, poet, artist. Beyond sharing our physical form, dont forget we are also 'mind' and 'spirit', an individual expression of the Infinite Spirit. Also open to explore these areas. Sex can 'tantric' and very 'spiritual'.

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By soulpioneer [Ignore] 30,Jun,23 19:55
Just an update,....I just go with the flow today, and see all life as ever evolving, a continuuum of energy and consciousness interacting within infinity, which recognizes all potentials and possibilities existing at every moment. Its pretty awesome A newer forum that I joined is religiousforums dot com.....they are pretty diverse and tolerant of all religious viewpoints, theistic or non-theistic, but havent started any of my own threads there yet. In the meantime, i stay open more as a theosophist, taking an eclectic approach to art, science, religion and philosophy...seeing truth as universal and our life in this or any world an adventure of co-creation. Thats all that is going on, to on degree or another, multi-dimensionally.

The last commentaries I was doing were on the first 5 papers in The Urantia Book, and thought about diving back into some chapters in 'A Course in Miracles'....also diving into some of The Secret Doctrine by Madame Blavatsky. Kind of in a segway place along the journey, a portal stop in space-time, I dont know where I am, but only that I AM - is that too 'meta' ? lol- anyways, all is Spirit, 'God' is that absolute reality that is omnipresent, eternal, boundless and immutable in its essence, out of which and in which all forms and aspects of existence derive, as we all live, move and have our being in this One Omnipresent Reality, whose essence is like 'space'...the aether which contains all things and apart from which nothing could exist. There is only 'this' that IS - anyways, I could go on.....hope all are having an awesome day!


By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 15,Dec,19 00:56
Wow you are a thinker. Right now I am just a sissy cocksucker that is unable to attain his ultamax spiritual consciousness which would happen if your cock was in my mouth. It would be Nirvana as you are blowing your load down my throat as I frantically stroke your cock to relieve you of all your juices.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 31,Dec,19 17:34
yes, love to philosophize and go deep spiritually, contemplating subjects then writing commentary on. Love my cock deep down a throat or ass too, blasting it deep

By #603242 [Ignore] 02,Nov,19 22:11
I'm with you all the way; I have hit a rough spot, and not sure how to get over it.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 04,Nov,19 20:56
Excellent. Bumps, turns, trial & error, rough spots in the road are part n parcel of the journey - All That IS, already IS (I AM!),....we're just souls exploring space and time by some creative purpose or intent to unfold our human potential, discover our divinity and experience life to the full. Infinite love and gratitude

By mikeinaz [Ignore] 01,Mar,19 13:55
I would love to practice some tantric yoga with you, soulpioneer..

...or if that falls apart, I could just edge with you for a nice long while.

By #26011 [Ignore] 18,Feb,12 13:30
I also believe in metaphysics. I am a follower of Louise Hay's teachings. I am changing my life by positive affirmations.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 18,Mar,15 00:37
By mikeinaz [Ignore] 01,Mar,19 13:51

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 02,Jul,17 10:46
Forget the meta just give that fuckin physical beerstickand I will send you out of this world

By #519608 [Ignore] 15,Apr,17 07:33
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law. Love under god, love under will.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 20,Apr,17 02:31
Aumen - I do like this saying, and agree with the addition of love, as some do not include the latter part of the saying. A 'will' directed by something other than 'love' can be destructive/satanic.

By #518644 [Ignore] 19,Dec,16 17:09
soul is genderless and a life ****. It's eternal and never dies. whereas external and visible body is mortal and always results in the ending. Soul can connect with other soul and vibrations resonates , merging with each other and becoming one soul. Feelings attach and Maximising the pleasure. And universal energy heals the body at the same time. always the best experience.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 20,Apr,17 02:30

By HappyGLANS [Ignore] 27,Mar,16 08:01

By #445862 [Ignore] 24,May,15 16:55
fysical adventures are good enough....

By #180934 [Ignore] 17,Oct,12 01:46
Shiva linga. Spirit and body are not different, and the fullest realization of one co-arises with that of the other. The sheer joy of sexuality, far from being sinful, is a token of soul on holiday. This is part, I think, of why I like cocks so much, seeing them full of ****, erect and proud. To hold and stroke and lick and swallow a cock, to feel its insistent presence in my hands, - these pleasures resonate throughout my being, knitting myself again together into the unity I already am. It is, or can be, a kind of worship. Thanks for sharing your pictures.
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 18,Mar,15 00:37
Namaste dear one Thank you....

By #486199 [Ignore] 17,Mar,15 06:26
My synchronicities lead me to your amazing pics. When I saw "soulpioneer"....right up my alley.I was raised progressive/secular Catholic but we were more Gnostic in view."Everyone sees 'god' as he wishes"....and then, post 9/11, I began to see a recurring number.I lost 3 friends on 9/11 and that he is contacting me somehow, but that may be too esoteric.
I love David Icke,Aeon Gnostic Radio, Teal Swan,Zachariah so over Abraham and that cursed "god".
And now I am here with you all butt ass naked and with our dicks out....but it's all part of a man's nature. We are male/female. We must never forget that !!
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 18,Mar,15 00:36
hi koz!, nice to meet you man. Awesome, I resonate with much of what you share my email is, and am also on yahoo messenger at u want to chat

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