Comments made by Balya recently:

These are comments this member made on pics.
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14,Jan,21 18:26
Holly fuck your dick has an elbow

31,Dec,20 12:39
Stick a pin through it .. that would be hot

31,Dec,20 12:19
I like it nice and warm and straight from the source

29,Dec,20 13:24
Nice load of cum... what you going to do with it?

29,Dec,20 13:20
On a bad day

29,Dec,20 13:20
That looks like my dick

09,Oct,19 07:14
Mmm thanks

11,Nov,18 10:15
I would fuck you from behind and stroke you in the same time.

30,Sep,18 10:33
I would want her to look you in the eye when I'm sliding my dick in her tight little pussy.

19,Jul,18 18:27
You could help me at work to carry buckets up on the ladder.