Comments made by band1028 recently:

These are comments this member made on pics.
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05,Dec,19 23:52

06,Sep,19 21:36

06,Sep,19 21:09

14,Apr,19 22:18

19,Nov,18 23:23

06,Nov,18 12:52

04,Sep,18 21:43

28,Jun,18 02:02

28,Jun,18 02:00

12,Jun,18 23:29

12,May,18 04:57

26,Apr,18 20:54

23,Apr,18 23:46

15,Apr,18 21:00

13,Apr,18 01:06

10,Apr,18 02:52

06,Apr,18 01:14
hot hot

20,Mar,18 19:52
hot hot

18,Mar,18 23:30

18,Mar,18 22:21

18,Mar,18 21:30

10,Mar,18 02:44

07,Mar,18 00:13

04,Mar,18 22:33

04,Mar,18 22:33

02,Mar,18 14:19

02,Mar,18 13:20

26,Feb,18 00:43

18,Feb,18 23:39

17,Feb,18 23:07
may I play with your joystick

04,Feb,18 00:06

13,Jan,18 22:57
mouth watering

06,Jan,18 22:29

26,Dec,17 19:06
Happy New Year Babe

23,Dec,17 23:29

23,Dec,17 23:24

02,Dec,17 00:01

24,Nov,17 22:14

15,Nov,17 15:45

15,Nov,17 15:29

28,Oct,17 20:32

19,Oct,17 22:43

11,Oct,17 22:29

11,Oct,17 22:28

09,Oct,17 22:17

28,Sep,17 22:10

28,Sep,17 21:41

12,Aug,17 23:27

12,Aug,17 23:06

12,Aug,17 23:05

08,Aug,17 10:36

22,May,17 15:32

22,May,17 15:26

21,May,17 21:27