Comments made by
These are comments this member made on pics.
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02,Mar,24 18:41
thanks man!
24,Feb,24 07:57
02,Dec,23 16:06
would be an honor to cum inside your throat
04,Aug,23 15:55
03,Mar,23 09:29
ufffffff, seeeeee... sentir la punta de la chota en tu garganta y tu lengua en mis huevos
20,Feb,23 10:05
thanks mate! hairy ones are the best!
20,Feb,23 10:01
thanks man!
17,Feb,23 10:52
thanks man!
12,Feb,23 09:51
12,Feb,23 09:51
31,Jan,23 09:44
23,Jan,23 14:08
23,Jan,23 09:12
23,Jan,23 09:12
thanks mate!
19,Jan,23 17:03
19,Jan,23 08:52
thanks mate!
18,Dec,22 10:04
18,Dec,22 10:01
18,Dec,22 10:00
thanks dude!
17,Dec,22 12:00
17,Dec,22 11:16
12,Dec,22 09:07
11,Dec,22 09:10
10,Dec,22 11:06
whenever you want!
10,Dec,22 09:58
10,Dec,22 09:57
09,Dec,22 10:01
09,Dec,22 08:29
16,Apr,22 14:23
08,Nov,21 16:46
thanks dude!
15,Aug,21 12:21
cuando quieras!
12,Jan,21 09:05
all the time!
17,Dec,20 08:19
17,Dec,20 08:19
thanks mate!
04,Dec,20 12:15
thanks mate!
25,Nov,20 11:02
hehe, thanks!! you are welcome to help me here
23,Nov,20 10:28
thanks mate!
23,Nov,20 09:17
thanks my friend!
04,Nov,20 13:09
yeahh dude!
28,Oct,20 12:33
28,Oct,20 12:32
thanks man!
11,Feb,20 18:24
11,Feb,20 18:22
thanks mate!
11,Feb,20 18:22
the bests are hairy!!
19,Jun,18 10:05
me hiciste poner al re palo!!! te hago todo eso y mas!
02,Feb,16 07:09
thanks for the comment!
01,Feb,16 19:44
15,Oct,15 17:40
thanks mate!
15,Sep,15 20:25
nice head!
15,Sep,15 20:20
I love soft cocks! great pic!