I fucking LOVE penises that hang exactly downwards like this. Just like in the sex ed diagrams!
04,Jan,24 17:02
Thank you!
04,Jan,24 17:02
31,Dec,23 07:32
Yes please!!!
29,Dec,23 10:10
28,Dec,23 08:29
Wow! You can see EVERYTHING! Clitorus, labia majora, labia minoria, vaginally canal, and even a hint of the urethra! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
15,Dec,23 12:34
Would love you bending over next to me
11,Dec,23 12:29
Please do!!!!
04,Dec,23 03:32
Kinda hard to take selfies like this standing up. I have to be pretty turned on or have morning wood to do it.
04,Dec,23 03:31
I already streach very wide as is. Maybe you can take me to my limits.
01,Dec,23 12:25
Good breeding position to get pregnant!
30,Nov,23 14:31
22,Aug,23 12:28
That's great! Im SO happy the egg took the sperm! Do we know the sex?
18,May,23 07:23
Did you take a pregnancy test???
15,Mar,23 16:01
Without a doubt, your glans would go WELL past my sigmoid bend!
15,Mar,23 10:33
It was rough getting it in, but once I felt the sphincter release around it, holyyyyyy shit I went crosseyed!
26,Jan,23 17:49
Your glands are AMAZING!!!!!!
18,Dec,22 09:03
26,Jun,22 14:56
Those fucking glans! OMG!
26,Jun,22 10:08
Your a grower, not a shower, just like me!
23,Jun,22 09:34
I love that!!
20,Jun,22 10:51
Would stroke you through your refractory period too till we get you hard again for another extraction of sperm-filled semen!
20,Jun,22 07:40
Yours looks yummy too!!
19,Jun,22 19:34
Thanks! Love your mushroom head shaped glans and your hole as well! You shoot great loads!
19,Jun,22 18:46
Putting good pressure on that prostate so we can force a nice load of baby batter out of you! Love it!
19,Jun,22 17:57
Imagine strapping you down and forcing baby batter out of your penis in that position!
19,Jun,22 17:25
That's the type of head that prepares the opening of an anus VERY well to accept the rest of the shaft!
18,Jun,22 11:37
Do you know how much sperm is within those?! Those are total breeder testies right there!!
17,Jun,22 16:23
I wanna put sperm on that!!!!!
17,Jun,22 11:14
Very good donation of sperm!
17,Jun,22 09:58
Fucking LOVE this position! Your in the perfect spot to be bread by a hefty male full of potent sperm. Your legs are spread just wide enough and your slightly in a squatted position. Its beautiful and so natural!
15,Jun,22 10:48
OH FUCK YES.......SPERM!!!!!!!!
12,Jun,22 13:44
You don't know how bad I wanna put some sperm in you and get those big breasts filled with milk!