Comments made by jocstfr recently:

These are comments this member made on pics.
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21,Jan,25 15:02
I luv the when the head is exposed! So hot!

16,Aug,24 15:13

I would like to apply. Do I meet the requirements!

28,Oct,23 17:13
That big cock is swallowing your little cock! I luv it!!

27,Oct,23 14:04
My cock wants to swallow your cock!

19,Oct,23 14:02
Two in this picture pee sitting down. Can you guess which two?

19,Oct,23 13:53
Nothing sexier than clit cum

19,Oct,23 13:48
The big cock serves as a perfect receptacle for your little cock! So hot! Both cocks perfect for docking!

19,Oct,23 13:43
I’d luv to have that cock!

17,Oct,23 11:24
a snake eating a mouse!! So hot!

17,Oct,23 11:23
both dicks look great!

17,Oct,23 11:20
Legs right up to a sexy cute dick

17,Oct,23 11:15
Raybo's cock looks great on you and yours on him! Actually he does not look that much bigger than yours when yours is erect

16,Oct,23 14:57
looks like his cock could literally swallow yours and make it disappear!

16,Oct,23 14:51
Two super sexy dicks!!! I would take either one!!

16,Oct,23 14:49
Raybo's dick looks great on you and your cute small one looks great on him! Based on his and your body type, it looks more natural for you to have the bigger dick and him to have the smaller one!

17,Oct,22 12:21
wow! i would luv to fill that sexy gaping slit!

28,Dec,16 08:24
Looks like the cum factory is open for business

21,Feb,16 14:48
soooo Hot!

13,Jul,14 17:42
so hot!