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Cum topping on large peanutbutter cup

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Cum topping on large peanutbutter cup

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By #502740 08,Mar,16 11:42
nice Cum

By Brad 11,May,16 21:33
My favourite dessert: cream topped cup cake !! Yum, yum put on loads of cum !!
By 2pierced 12,May,16 00:57
I did and it was delicious!

By Brad 11,May,16 21:35
Before I eat the cup cake I will deep throat that lovely cock wither sexy knob ring to ensure I get every last drop of your precious cum !!
By 2pierced 12,May,16 00:56
That sounds great.

By longdong 19,Nov,16 11:07
Theirs no wrong way to eat a Reese's

By metalix 19,Jan,17 04:23

By JustWondring 20,Jan,17 07:13
I want it!

By #467216 15,Apr,19 04:36
Mmmmm i want that reses cup mmmmm yummy

By duncanidaho 15,Apr,19 05:19
Nice cummy cake

By #469635 09,Jul,19 05:22
Would be so tasty..

By kebmo 21,Oct,19 04:06
I was quite sure that they couldn't be improved upon then there you go making it even more delicious. Deliciouser?
By 2pierced 21,Oct,19 04:15
Thank you, I'd love to share. They are delicious!

By #583549 29,Feb,20 05:21
I love my cum om my cheerio's !!!!

By #571799 06,Jun,20 15:43
Can I order a cake like this for my next birthday party?
By 2pierced 06,Jun,20 15:52
Sure, I'd certainly enjoy watching you eat it and maybe you'd share it with me!

By mjohns 15,Jul,20 17:47
Mmmmmm yummy! That looks so tasty, so does the candy
By 2pierced 16,Jul,20 01:49
I'd love to give you my cum and to receive yours too!
By mjohns 16,Jul,20 15:30
My thoughts exactly!!

By matto 24,Jul,20 05:26

By cfan2 24,Jul,20 06:43
By 2pierced 24,Jul,20 07:17
Yes, it was actually quite delicious with the multiple flavors mixing together! Thank You
By cfan2 24,Jul,20 07:19
Cum is the PERFECT addition to ANY meal (or beverage)!!!

By #580048 28,Dec,20 09:26
what a hot topping!
By 2pierced 28,Dec,20 09:58
Yes, warm and delicious!

By duncanidaho 03,Jan,21 09:43
peanuts with cream ...delightful
By 2pierced 03,Jan,21 09:56
Yes, a very delicious combination!

By marc66 03,Jan,21 11:29
By 2pierced 03,Jan,21 12:28
Anticipation of a delicious treat?

By Mylimastuff 02,Mar,23 22:42

By baldeagle1 30,Jun,23 16:54
you can ice my cupcakes anytime mmmmmmm
By 2pierced 01,Jul,23 03:01
I'd like to ice your cupcake and have you ice mine.
By baldeagle1 01,Jul,23 16:43
sounds like fun mmmmmmm

By aass 10,Jan,24 01:28
Yes would like to taste
By 2pierced 10,Jan,24 05:42
It was absolutely delicious and i was able to enjoy each and every drop of cum with no waste.
By aass 10,Jan,24 06:28
Yes it looks delicious , and would like to lick till last drop
By 2pierced 11,Jan,24 00:34
I would love to create treats for you to enjoy and enjoy eating your treats in return.

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