FAQQuestion: How to change my nick name?Answer: You can change your account name on this page. Question: How to change my password? Answer: Under menu "Membership" select "Edit account settings" go to the bottom of the page and there you can change your password, but you have to confirm your old password. You can also change your e-mail address on that page. Question: I forgot my password, can you please tell me what it was? Answer: This site does not store your passwords, it only stores encrypted hashes. So we have no idea what your passwords are or were. You can go to this page and request a password reset. The site will send a password reset code to your e-mail. When you receive the code you can enter it on the next page and specify a new password there. However, if the e-mail address you specified for your account is not correct or protected by some kind of anti-spam filters - you may never receive the password reset code. In this case your old password will remain valid. You may try to retrieve the old password from your browser, some browsers store passwords and let you see them, like FireFox or Chrome. Question: How to add a pic to my favorites? Answer: Click on ![]() Question: How pics get to the main page? Answer: Administration of this site does NOT put your pics on the main page. Pics get to the main page according to the following rules: 1. it must be posted during 5 past days; 2. all pics posted during 5 past days are sorted by popularity and top 60 are shown on the main page, i.e. you are competing against other members; 3. popularity is measured by both views and votes using moving average formula. votes from different members weight in more than multiple votes from the same member TIP: Putting your pic into upper banner may (but not guaranteed if your pic is not interesting) help to get more views/votes. Note that NO pic older than 5 days can get to the main page anyway. Question: Why suddenly I started to receive less daily points than before? Answer: There is a limit on daily points. It's 250 for ordinary members, 350 for premium and 500 for diamond. Once you have more than that you can only receive points from votes and donations (or purchasing them, obviously) but points for your messages and pictures are no longer awarded. You can simply spend points so that you have less than the limit and you will be receiving them daily as before. Question: How to insert image into forum or blog? Answer: Go to the image page, look for button under the image that says "post it in blog or forum", hit it, copy the code that says "ubb for most of forums" and then paste it into your message that you are going to post into forum or blog. Question: I try to upload video but it fails, why? Answer: There is a limit on the size of uploaded videos. Make sure your video file is less than 50 Megabytes. Also, make sure you are using video/file upload page and not the default image upload page, it won't work for anything other than images. Question: I cannot upload photo from my cellphone via e-mail, why? Answer: The e-mail sending protocol that mobile providers use is not reliable by nature. Try reducing the size of your photo, the lesser size of the message is - the bigger is a probability it arrives without errors. Also, some users say that it may help sending image as MMS instead of as e-mail. For iphone/ipad users: you may try using iCab Mobile Browser instead of standard Safari or whatever else you are using. They say it can upload photos via web-forms. UPD: it's also said that Opera Mini 7.0.3 for iOS can upload photos too. It's free, unlike iCab. Question: Why some accounts disappear without any warning? Answer: Administration of this site rarely deletes any accounts. There are some violations that can cause account deletion without any warning. Those are: 1. being (or claiming to be) under 18 years old; 2. massive posting of internet pictures or pictures stolen from other members. However a number of accounts deleted this way by administration is not big. It's hardly 10 per week. 95% of accounts get deleted by their owners. We don't know why. Also, accounts that were abandoned for 180 days get deleted automatically. Not because of a lack of server resources but simply to do not give a false hope to those who may try to interact with those accounts. Question: Why I can not logout from the site? Answer: Please read this thread on forum. Question: I can login into dicks but cannot into cunts (or vice verse). Question: I can see pics on dicks site, but cannot see on cunts site (or vice verse) Answer: "Dick" and "cunt" sites are really one site that is located on a single server in the same folder. There is absolutely no technical reason for this to be happening. Which means the problem is on your end - something is partially blocking your access to one of the sites. It can be your internet provider that "blacklisted" one of the domains as "adult", but most likely it's some kind of incorrectly working anti-virus or parental control software on your own computer. Software of this kind often has a blacklist of domains and prevents your browser to access them completely or partially. Sometimes domains get in those lists by mistake or misunderstanding.
Question: Why my pics are being flagged as "wrong category"? Why I loose points over this?
Answer: Administration of this site does not care about categories and does not flag your pics. At the beginning there were no categories on this site at all, but members of the site were unhappy and asked to separate images into categories. So the members decide if the pic is in a proper category or not. At least 5 "votes" from different members are required to flag a pic as "wrong category" or "poor quality". * The key to understanding the categories is that the categories are here because people DO NOT LIKE to see certain things, for example, if they expected to see a cock but see a gaping asshole instead. If you wish to understand it better, just look at what typically gets flagged * If you have "bad quality" issues, you should read this post. Also, your videos can be marked as bad quality if too many people can't view them because of wrong encoding. * Be warned that if you repeatedly post photos into wrong categories and other members keep flagging them, the system will temporarily block you from using the categories at all. See more details below. Question: I can't post into categories and can't change categories of previously posted images. Answer: If your uploads are flagged as "wrong category" by other members time after time - the system temporarily blocks you from using categories. It works exactly like this: there is a counter that is increased by 1 every time one of your uploads is flagged as "wrong category". It is decreased by 1 every 10 days. When it is less than 4 you are not blocked. If it reaches 4 the system starts blocking you. After 10 days the counter drops to 3 and you can use categories again, but if you are flagged within next 10 days you will immediatelly go back to 4 and blocked. Also, if you were at 3 and managed to post 3 pics that were all flagged one after another, the counter will be at 6 and you will have to wait 30 days until it finally drops back to 3 (10 days for each point over 3). The counter can't be over 6, so you can't be blocked for more than 30 days. Question: I tried to play video and some points were taken from my account but I was not able to see the video! Answer: This is mostly free site with a very low budget. It uses free open source software to process videos and therefore some user-uploaded videos are not processed correctly. Sometimes software recognizes an error and deletes the video automatically, but sometimes it just can't. If you encounter a video that does not play correctly, please use "evaluate" link on a page with the video. If enough people act on it - the video will be flagged as bad and all lost points will be returned automatically. Note, that if the video is older than several days, the "evaluate" link does not appear. Also, if other people don't have problems with it - it will never be flagged as bad. Question: Can I post internet pics on this site? I see other people do this. Answer: Legally you can post only the pics you have legal rights for. Generally those are pics of yourself you made personally or pics of other persons you made personally and have their implicit permission to publish the photos. It's not exactly legal and is not permitted to post pics taken from internet on this site as in 99.99% cases you do not have authorization of the producer of those pics to publish them. However, the site administration cannot know all the millions pics in internet and in most cases cannot tell if the pics are your own or taken from the net. Which means that only in case when someone report stolen/internet pics to the administration or in case when administration accidentally notice stolen/internet pics the account that posted them gets deleted. If you notice someone posting internet pics, you can always report this. There is a "report abuse" button below every pic and a "report member" button on every member page. Also, the administration cannot just take your word on it without any proof. Indeed if the member has obviously internet pics from different sources, proper actions will be taken. But in other cases the administration require some kind of proof - links to the pages with original images for example. Question: Why my profile has been deleted for posting internet pics and others not? Answer: Because your account was reported to the administration and others were not. Question: It's legal in my country to have sex at the age of 16, why you do not allow people who are under 18 on this site? Answer: Though legal age to have sex is below 18 in many countries, legal age to be in porn materials (photo/video) is 18 in most of countries. Believe it or not, but this is true. Even if you post photos of yourself made when you are or were under 18 you can go to prison for this, even if at the moment of the posting you are already over 18. Read this twice - you can go to prison for publishing even your own photos with your private parts if you were under 18 at the moment of shooting. Not speaking about situation when you have photos of other underage person. Also, in many countries a mere possession of such photos can cause imprisonment. I.e. if someone sends you nude photos of underage person you can go to prison just for viewing them if they stay in cache of your browser on your computer hard disc and this will be in some way discovered by police. That's why it's important to keep people younger than 18 years old away from this site and report them to the administration whenever you notice them. Question: Some words in posts are censored. Why? Answer: Administration of this site is for freedom of speech. However, in order to be able to accept payments on this site we have to comply with a number of rules. One of the rules imposed on this site by payment processor is that certain words should not appear on the site. They simply gave a list of words, they are not our choice. As far as we can understand it's aimed to prevent sites trying to sell "family", "underage" and "rape fantasy" porn under some kind of disguise. Words being banned are the words associated with those themes. This only applies to public posts, in private chat you can say whatever you wish. Question: I can't send private messages - there is no "message box" on the page. Answer: You probably have AdBlock software installed over your browser. You need to turn it off for this site. Understand that we are NOT blocking users with adblock intentionally. AdBlock itself mutilates the private message page. We tried to "fix" it and for some time it worked but then AdBlock started to break already changed version of the page. Sorry, we ran out of ideas, we can't keep changing our site just so that some retarded piece of software that actually lower out revenue can work with it. This is just ridiculous. Question: I can't send private messages and post into forum because too many people blacklisted me. Answer: This is an automatic restriction. Administration of the site does not do it manually. It works like this: IF 3x[number of members who blacklisted you] MORE THAN [number of members who befriended you] THEN you are automatically considered a solicitor or a spammer and are blocked from sending private messages to people whom you do not have any previous relationship with. For example if you are befriended by 30 people, and blacklisted by 10 - you are still OK. But if you are blacklisted by 11 - you are blocked. If then you manage to increase the number of people who befriended you to 33 - you are OK again. I.e. you must have at least 3 times more people who befriended you than people who blacklisted you. Don't confuse those with people whom you added to your friend list. Adding more people to your friend list will not help. They should add you into their friend lists. You can temporarily void this restriction by acquiring any kind of premium status. The most inferior form of premium is Turning ads off |