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Wifey used to suck my cock before we got hitched!! 🤣🤣ԅ

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Wifey used to suck my cock before we got hitched!! &#129315;&#129315;&#1285

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By nekekal 20,Jan,22 13:15
That seems to be the way it works. You have heard the old joke?
Why do brides smile when they are walking down the aisle?

Because they know that they have had to suck their last cock.

My wife would fuck and suck before we got married. Gave up sucking almost immediately. Slowly tapered off of fucking.
By PowerStroke0178 21,Jan,22 05:16
I couldn't agree with you more!! And that saying holds 100% true, we got married 6 years ago...together for 18, I've had a blowjob maybe 5 or 6 times in the past 6 years!! 😤😤🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤮🤮
By nekekal 21,Jan,22 11:50
that is about the rate that I got them at 6 years in. If I begged. Now I just a a smile and "maybe later". Like when hell freezes over.

Before we got married it was fuck and suck all the time. Almost like she liked to do it. Big smile at the wedding.

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