Recent Posts of member thicknsmooth


What was your favorite thing about your first time gay sex 15,Oct,24 22:48
Tell your story about the first time you sucked another cock 23,Aug,24 23:57
Curious what kind of pics and videos would you like to see of my cock? 20,Aug,24 21:50
What is the hottest and craziest thing you have ever done having sex with either a guy or girl 13,Jun,24 03:28
Has anyone ever fantasized about cutting off your penis and if you did what would you do with it? 14,May,24 17:46
Flaccid cut penis 12,Apr,24 21:15
Need an artist! 15,Oct,23 23:41
The hottest blow job you ever gave 04,Aug,23 02:09
At what age were you when you sucked your first dick? 06,Jun,23 20:10
Looking for advice on how to cum harder 14,Apr,23 00:48
What’s your thoughts on a thick smooth dick 26,Jan,23 03:35
Looking for a clamp 10,Jan,23 19:52
Discovering a friend on the internet 02,Aug,22 02:20
Attracted to a friend 12,Jul,22 02:39
Thinking about getting a tattoo on my penis 12,Mar,22 19:45
Having your cock bit 03,Feb,22 00:48
Penis tattoo 30,Jan,22 21:29
Temporary penis tattoo 06,Jan,22 22:13
Originally circumcised and now looking like I could use to be circumcised again 06,Jun,21 01:11
Big dick boys 26,Mar,19 22:06


By thicknsmooth 16,Feb,25 19:05
Nice I would love to hear your story

By thicknsmooth 15,Feb,25 23:25

By thicknsmooth 15,Feb,25 23:23

By thicknsmooth 15,Feb,25 22:47
When I was 12 and my cousin was 10 I used to suck on his cock. I loved the taste of his smooth cock and balls. He would try to suck on me too but he said it was too big and he didn’t like too do it so he would just lick it I loved those days

By thicknsmooth 14,Feb,25 20:10

By thicknsmooth 14,Feb,25 18:24

By thicknsmooth 13,Feb,25 22:04

By thicknsmooth 01,Feb,25 01:27
When I was a teenager I would turn my body up and face my cock right into my mouth and swallow my hot cum I loved it

By thicknsmooth 30,Jan,25 22:35
I agree

By thicknsmooth 20,Jan,25 23:53
Nothing in the world is better than experiencing the love for sucking cock I discovered the love at the young age of 8 and have been enjoying it ever since

By thicknsmooth 18,Jan,25 18:51
I have interest in trying it but I don’t know how to start

By thicknsmooth 18,Jan,25 04:04

By thicknsmooth 07,Jan,25 19:10

By thicknsmooth 03,Jan,25 20:29
When I was 12 years old I learned to suck on my own cock loved it so much that I would suck it every day until I was 18 years old then I had to stop because it was hurting my back

By thicknsmooth 03,Jan,25 19:32
I will never forget my first time sucking on another cock and getting my cock sucked. It was the summer I was 8 years old and so was he. I fell in love with it then and still love it today

By thicknsmooth 26,Dec,24 23:33
When I was a teenager I used to cum on toast and then eat it 😊

By thicknsmooth 24,Dec,24 01:16
I had wanted to explore another boys body and suck on a dick being I was so fascinated with my own dick. I got my chance the summer I was 8 years old and so was he. That’s the day I realized I love sucking cock.

By thicknsmooth 21,Dec,24 23:50
I was fascinated with my cock from a very young age. Soon I was attracted to the other boys and curious about their bodies and their cocks. I sucked my first cock and got my cock sucked by a boy the same age when we were 8 years old. Loved it so much I still do it today

By thicknsmooth 21,Dec,24 21:32
Wow I would of kept after that until it happened

By thicknsmooth 21,Dec,24 00:52
I sucked my first cock with another boy the same age we were both 8 years old. I enjoyed playing with the boys then I got a job baby sitting for a 28 year old woman that was going through a divorce I was 13 years old and she sucked my cock a couple of times a day and then she had me fuck her and that was my first time when I lost my virginity

By thicknsmooth 21,Dec,24 00:47
I was 12 years old and I stuck my cock in the vacuum cleaner hose and it felt so good I kept letting the hose suck on it and suddenly I felt weird and almost dizzy and then I felt some liquid coming out of my cock head and I loved the way it was feeling and right after I had to pull it out of the hose because it had made my cock very sensitive. That’s when I realized that I had just came

By thicknsmooth 15,Dec,24 18:46
Love your big cock

By thicknsmooth 14,Dec,24 20:41
I never fucked but my cousin and I started sucking each other’s dicks when we were 12 years old and we continued to suck on each other until we were about 14 years old. Great memories I loved to suck his smooth cock and balls. I was much bigger than him so he would only suck on my head and lick my shaft but I still enjoyed it

By thicknsmooth 11,Dec,24 17:20

By thicknsmooth 08,Dec,24 20:39
Nope not at that age for sure 😊

By thicknsmooth 06,Dec,24 01:01
Yes it sure was

By thicknsmooth 05,Dec,24 22:15
Wow did you like it

By thicknsmooth 04,Dec,24 23:12
The first time I ever sucked another boy was the summer I turned 8 years old and he was the same age the story is in my blog but I was hooked from that day on

By thicknsmooth 04,Dec,24 18:29
Dam you have a great looking cock I would love to suck on that

By thicknsmooth 23,Nov,24 00:02
Ok well my x wife had a long time friend that was gay. He came out of the closet when we were in high school. He was skinny and very good looking with blonde hair his name was Michael. I secretly dreamed of playing around with him but was afraid of making a move as I was straight but have secretly played around with other boys for years. One night while he was visiting my wife at our home. We were partying a little and he started hitting on me a little here and there. We were out in the backyard and my wife had gone into the house and I asked him if he wanted a line of coke and he said yes so we went to my van that was parked in the driveway and I opened the passenger side door and started to put the coke out on a book cover and he slowly started to feel me up from behind me. It felt good and he asked me if I was ok with it because he said I was hot and he couldn’t resist. I said I was ok with it and he turned me around and pulled my pants down and started sucking my cock. It felt so good and he said that my cock was so big and thick he loved my cut head. I then pulled his pants down and started sucking on his cock. It was long and skinny cut and he had really big low hanging smooth balls. I loved playing with him. We did this secretly for a couple of years

By thicknsmooth 22,Nov,24 23:46

By thicknsmooth 22,Nov,24 23:33
Oh the high school years were awesome

By thicknsmooth 22,Nov,24 19:43
My first time was when I was 13 years old my uncle molested me and fucked my ass. I really enjoyed it and he introduced me to a bunch of other boys my age and we played together for years 😊

By thicknsmooth 15,Nov,24 17:52
Thank you glad you like it

By thicknsmooth 14,Nov,24 23:55
I have always been told that I have a great looking cock so I decided to show others and I have always gotten compliments

By thicknsmooth 13,Nov,24 22:48

By thicknsmooth 10,Nov,24 22:00
I understand completely I experienced about the same. It’s a craving once you start you always want it

By thicknsmooth 24,Oct,24 20:09
Wow nice I started with another boy the same age as me we were 8 years old but I later turned 13 and I had my first experience with an older man

By thicknsmooth 24,Oct,24 00:30
Wow you had a big cock at a young age! That’s unusual I also had a much bigger cock than the other boys at a young age too. I was 7 inches long when I was hard at 11 years old also

By thicknsmooth 23,Oct,24 18:31
Wow that is an amazing memory

By thicknsmooth 17,Oct,24 20:23
I would love to hear your stories. My first time is written in my blog it was the summer I was 8 years old I love this memory

By thicknsmooth 14,Oct,24 01:12
You have a great looking cock

By thicknsmooth 12,Oct,24 01:21
I was so afraid of making a move because I have always been discreet. I had a couple of friends that I was very attracted to and I would jerk off thinking about their bodies and their cocks I wanted to suck on them so bad that I would have dreams about having sex with them

By thicknsmooth 12,Oct,24 01:16

By thicknsmooth 11,Oct,24 20:47
I have a nice fat one

By thicknsmooth 11,Oct,24 19:36
I feel I’m average

By thicknsmooth 07,Oct,24 22:48

By thicknsmooth 06,Oct,24 22:33

By thicknsmooth 26,Sep,24 23:17

By thicknsmooth 22,Sep,24 00:11
I love looking at soft cocks here is mine