I had the smallest dick in high school phys Ed class. I was embarrassed and somtimes humiliated. Having bigger tits than most of the girls my age was even more humiliating. |
One guy in my phy ed class always stood at the shower entrance swinging his very big dick at all of us. He was hard not to watch |
To answer part of your question, I've been denied because the pic was already posted. Even after editing it. If I delete it from SYD first I can resubmit it as a new pic. |
I've been scrolling and accidentally hit lots of buttons. I found once that I spent 3 points down voting someone. When that happens it costs them points too. I felt bad and gave him some hot votes. The button I hit a lot is the "report" button while trying to get back to my own page. |
Guys having sex with guys claiming to be "straight" make all labels pointless to me. I like "heteronormative" just as a word. |
[deleted image] --------------------------------------- added after 1465 hours --------------------------------------- added after 1465 hours |