Recent Posts of member Mongo


💨 Farting 💨 14,Sep,24 04:00
Is this about you 🤷‍♂️, those that live in glass houses should not throw stones. 13,Sep,24 07:18
⚰️ The Industry Surrounding Human Death ☠ 12,Aug,24 16:27
🌟 List of honorary "Real" people that live here verified or not 🌟 08,Aug,24 04:57
🚨 FAT UGLY VILE CUNTS 🚨 04,Aug,24 21:41
🚨 EXPOSING the FAKES 🚨 04,Aug,24 20:01
Bi Sexuality, Lets open up a tread on that, haven't seen one here before. 04,Aug,24 02:53


By Mongo 15,Sep,24 01:03
Meh, boring place. I'm, going back to Xbox

By Mongo 15,Sep,24 00:59
Best option mate

By Mongo 15,Sep,24 00:55
Bloody frogs

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 09:04
Looks like the boss removed one of my new approved uploaded images & I have another blacklister Hung-ryMan pick a ticket & line up dickhead

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 08:40
Don't even get me started on the price of Vodka. 41 bux for 750 ml. Picking up a liter from Farmer Joes was like $11 for a liter last I visited there, can you imagine how much of a menace I would be if I lived in the USA

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 08:35
U cunts keep winging about fuel prices, come here & pay over twice

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 08:28
Why cant things be simple 🤷‍♂️

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By Mongo 14,Sep,24 08:20
Looking for a new world order who wants to join me 🤷‍♂️

[deleted image] [deleted image] [deleted image] [deleted image]

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 08:11
CB term I used to hear locally (a tow truck driver on citizen band 2 way radio, AM before FM came out a over the trucky radio waves, channel 40 back in the day, not as bad as "I got a big cock" a power station back in the day, some of the guys tracked him down & bashed the shit out of him, then big cock was gone, the tow driver call sign was "Squeaky" always spoke in a squeaky voice, fun times, miss them)

If anyone got the shits with old squeaky & his antics over the radio he would always say,

"have a banana paddle pop & settle down or you will give yourself a headache" lol

Old mate squeaky never got tracked down, but things went to FM then he was lost to the obese sadly, he was so funny.

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 07:47

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 05:24
Lot of cunts here need to settle down & have a "banana paddle pop". Or else ya will end up with a headache 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 05:23
Lot of cunts here need to settle down & have a "banana paddle pop", or else ya will end up with a headache 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 04:37
Member whatsupcocks offered

"The Festival of Farts. By Kevin Bloody Wilson"
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I challenge that as Kev's best farting song:
"Mick the Master Farter"
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By Mongo 14,Sep,24 04:28
Site needs more humor BumNut more farting to come

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 04:19
Member veryshyguy alerted me to some more vintage farting "International Wind Breaking Contest" year 1946.

Found a recording to that only registered users can see external links
--------------------------------------- added after 56 minutes

That is one of the funniest things we have ever heard, wife & I sat down listing it whilst eating dinner, dinner took a lot longer to have was so funny

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 04:14
Member phart alerted me of one of the original master farters, "Le Pétomane" only registered users can see external links

This master farter filmed in the 1900's filmed in a period where sound was not able to be filmed, here is a silent recording of his on stage mastery of farting only registered users can see external links

Here is a audio recording of his mastery of farting.
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This guy was a mater of fart, he was actually able to draw air into his annas, hold tight with his ass hole, then fart at will 🤣🤣

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 03:37
Also if something went down & it went to court Cody my be implicated at that point then, well, stuff, from impications 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 03:33
Yer but pigs have loose mouths, in my experience anyways 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 03:29
Dumb ass Kiwi's, you answered your own question in the link you shared 👆 😁, it would have been a social media stunt more or less by look, as dumb as Kiwi's are, I don't think they would wash their potatoes in their washing machine, but they might cook them in their clothes dryer

By Mongo 14,Sep,24 03:22
That's a drug business for sure (or another illegal business), what should you do, well, if you report it to the pigs (Australian term for cops), you may be implicated in the reporting, if it was me & it was not directly effecting me directly, I would ignore it, if it started effecting me directly I would report it to the pigs.

Secondly I would ensure security in your own home if you were out, keep every thing locked up mate

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 20:26
🤣🤣🤣 she is a Kiwi (New Zealander) but living here (she makes reference to it in one of her other vids).

There are more Kiwi's living in Australia than in New Zealand though. Bloody dumb ass Fob's (Fresh off the boat), go back home

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 07:20
Oh I read it, but you cunts mentioned my kid in the Mongo story, still waiting for chapter II

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 07:02
Interesting, so I can't send a reply to AngelofDeath publicly here, but you Sir-Skittles & SlutGuts want to make a joke about what has happened to my kid that I shared publicly here in the last Mongo story that you obviously wrote, should I start sharing some personal things that SlutGuts has shared with me, I have loads of dirt, maybe I will crack the plug 🤷‍♂️

I have no interest in member #610414 to be honest, but I sort of think those that live in glass houses should not throw stones 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 05:50
Exposing member phart tap the following link 😁

👉 /blogs/58358.html 👈

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 05:34
I did check out old mate le-petomane, so long ago the filming's were without sound 😢. You know I love a good phart joke

By Mongo 13,Sep,24 05:32
Noooo don't change it, I think it represents your personality perfectly

By Mongo 12,Sep,24 03:30
Sound advise member Bella! but this member better known as phart doesn't even seem to have a avatar, so how the hell am I supposed to track him

By Mongo 10,Sep,24 07:48
EvilFairy, AKA ChainsawGutsFuck, AKA AxCx, AKA Fairy Dust & who knows how many over the many years its been coming here, its current user tag is now AntiSocialMasterbater wonder what it will be tomorrow

By Mongo 10,Sep,24 06:55
Its an interesting question you pose Mr phart , like myself there are other members here that cause a bunch of shit, I own all my shit I cause, I can only guess that other members here change user name to try to divert themselves from the shit they have caused themselves 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 09,Sep,24 00:02
Springer is dead now I thought, running retirement watching re-run of trailer park trash slapping each other around, fuck why not, some funny content right there, makes Doc Phil look like an ammeter

By Mongo 08,Sep,24 23:03
Another weak act by "ChainsawGutsFuck" now EvilFairy


By Mongo 08,Sep,24 21:55
EvilFairy AKA "SlutGuts", "ChainsawGutsFuck", "AxCx", "Fairy Dust" & many others over the years.

Lay the fuck off "Slugguts" or more is coming.

Be satisfied with your weak 🚫blacklisting🚫 & back the fuck OFF, or there will be much, so much more, coming out about you, ya fucking has been dumpy slag

By Mongo 04,Sep,24 06:42
Miss my rifle, had to be returned to the shop for repairs 😢


By Mongo 30,Aug,24 07:16
I see Indian has made a revival these days though, but ya cant go past a Japper any day

By Mongo 30,Aug,24 02:59
Back in the olden days, when all ya needed was guts & a big set of balls

[deleted image]

By Mongo 29,Aug,24 08:47
phart & dgraff

I'll step out on a limb & say something about your politics, not that I really know not much about it, that's why I don't usually step in to American politics here, on the odd occasion I have made a say, I have been stepped on like a bug, as an outsider I wish to express a few things that I observe.

1. You guys seem to focus on the figure head (President we have a Prime Minster as still part of the Crown). These people are just figure heads of the policy their political party behind them, the running for president atm seems to have figure heads that are both donkeys, one stepped down recently & maybe moved into a retirement home. I don't know don't really care.

2. In AU we have 2 primary political parties, one favoring industry & companies, the other favoring the worker, times can be good favoring the companies/industry grows wealth, after a period of time the worker suffers lessening wealth, at that point election votes in the party favoring the worker, good for a period of time, wealth grows but then wealth diminishes, then the parliament favoring companies/industry get back in & round & around it goes.
Yin & Yang I guess.

3. As a outsider you guys may think that other countries see you as a joke, for myself I don't see it that way, you guys seem to put so much energy into people that figure head your 2 major political parties, these political parties would have plusses & minus with their policies that would off set each other, in some time one party would energize growth, once their growth started failing, get the other guys in, Yin & Yang.

What I do see as a joke though it the figure heads that American politics globally seem to focus on that the rest of the world see in our media, there is Trump & the old senile fart (honestly, watched this guys press release after Trump was shot, standing up for Trump but the guy dribbled a bunch of shit & even at a point seemed to loose the point) that has stepped down now & someone else has stepped in his place half way through the campaign.

Not all outsiders might see it the way I do, but surely I am not the only one, as leaders of the free world, honestly for myself personally, I expect more, much more 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 29,Aug,24 07:56
Some times life throws ya a wild card, gotta tend to business

By Mongo 28,Aug,24 00:17

Russia has commenced Nuclear War on all NATO Countries.

Take Shelter NOW !!!!!


By Mongo 25,Aug,24 00:41
I Don't Like Mondays
Song by The Boomtown Rats

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The silicon chip inside her head
Gets switched to overload
And nobody's gonna go to school today
She's gonna make them stay at home
And daddy doesn't understand it
He always said she was good as gold
And he can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown?
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
I wanna shoot, ooh, the whole day down
The Telex machine is kept so clean
And it types to a waiting world
Her mother feels so shocked, father's world is rocked
And their thoughts turn to their own little girl
Sweet sixteen, ain't that peachy keen
Now it ain't so neat to admit defeat
They can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reasons do you need, oh oh oh oh?
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
I wanna shoot, ooh, the whole day down
Down, down, shoot it all down
And all the playing's stopped in the playground now
She wants to play with the toys a while
And school's out early and soon we be learning
And the lesson today is how to die
And then the bullhorn crackles and the captain tackles
With the problems and the hows and whys
And he can see no reasons
'Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to die, die, oh oh oh?
And the silicon chip inside her head get switched to overload
And nobodys going to go to school today
She is going to make them stay at home
And Daddy doesn't understand it
He always said she was good as gold
And he can see no reasons
Cause there are no reasons
What reason do you need to be shown
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like
I don't like
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like
I dont't like
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
(Tell me why)
I don't like Mondays
I wanna shoot, oooh, the whole day down
Oooh oooh oooh
Source: Musixmatch
Songwriters: Bob Geldof / John Peter Moylett

By Mongo 25,Aug,24 00:35

By Mongo 24,Aug,24 08:32
Can't say cunt in Canada 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 24,Aug,24 08:26
Got ya party hat on dickhead

By Mongo 24,Aug,24 06:51
The truth behind war in 1913 exposed /ep1jja7lmeg4pic.html

By Mongo 24,Aug,24 05:32
Been a big day for me leading onto spring catching up on yard work, spring cleaning.

I see member tecsan has a few useless stabs as per usual,
member Zainn122 came at me with a hit on my wall & where is Queen bella! 🤷‍♂️

Who gives a fuck, I'm still busy with my rl, that these 3 losers do not have 🤷‍♂️

My friends, I'll catch up again in a couple of days.

Love always
Me Mongo 💖

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 19:21
👉 only registered users can see external links 👈

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 18:05
So now your accusing me of being an obnoxious dumb cunt, I can take that

1. This is my own torch, I was & have neva been aware of this member known as JohnS & what he had been up to until you mentioned it to me after I started off my own crusade.

2. Fuck you I will drink as much piss as I see fit, that's none of your business.

3. I will neva grow up, it's to much fun having a immature mind in an adult body, its called having fun grandma.

So "👑Queen Bella" why don't you just head over to the "tea room" for cakes & scones with all your "abuse panel" buddies, that you seem to be head honcho of & slap each other on the back giggling about how a Premium member was dined his legitimate report filed with this panel (for your reference /blogs/58213.html).

I believe other intellectuals like yourself are already there, member Tecsan even has his party hat on.

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 07:00
Well who wouldn't like aussieman187, he was one hot piece of ass/crumpet, he was only a small bloke though, when he fucked the "Walrus" he must have strapped a paddle across his ass to stop himself from falling in

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 06:30
You blubber on about this "JohnS" member that you have mentioned to me before, are you accusing me of being this member, I have been accused of being an old member called "YoYo" as well all because these 2 members were Australian like myself, oh I get it, if a asshole kicks shit around here must be the same individual, all Aussies, why not accuse me as being "Aussie Man" as well

Keep my points hidden, so fucking what, much like yourself bella! & most premo members here, we keep our points hidden, but for shits & giggles, I'll expose mine so will that make me "JohnS" then

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 04:56
I'm bored, what's on my agender tonight, here are my options:

1. Slap some useless fuckwit around.
2. Expose a bunch of useless fuckwits.
3. Pick on Member Tecsan one of my all time faves.
4. Find some ugly fat fuck to pick on.
5. Go though my blacklister list & pick on one of those.
6. Drop over to Zainn122 stinky Paki page & stir him up.
7. I could play Xbox 🤷‍♂️
8. Watch Tube.
9. Go to Porn Hub jerk off watching porn.

So many choices which one should I choose 🤷‍♂️

By Mongo 23,Aug,24 04:30
Your fucking brain dead