please, carefully see the pic below. Do you find on the left leg the tinny shadow made from this GIANT DICK? Now please, tell me from where is the Light coming (where is the light source) ? Thank you very much for your attention!
Why would anyone want something that big to begin with?? THe average vagina is about 5 inches deep, if I remember correctly, and I've heard women complain about big guys hitting their cervix, and that it doesn't feel very good. Ladies, correct me if I am wrong. . .
Unless you like anal, and want to explore a person's colon, why would something of this size be of any value?? It's obviously photoshopped, and unnatural.
yeah, I agree with you, and we all here try to prove, that this pic is Fake and not only this one. The Admin have to take some control about Fakes! We don't like that with this manipulated pic he gained fast 200points for last 24 hours!
Good thing the poster of the picture does not work in the cinema industry because it looks like he has mounted the Cinemascope (anamorphic) lens 90 degrees out of line.
this picture has been photoshopped. i have run it through my photo editing suit and you can clearly see where sections of the picture have been cloned to make the penis appear longer. the person posting it claims it is of one of his "friends" he is a clown and if you visit his page you will see some more of his "friends"
right man! i only wonder how easy people believe everything here! That why i asked this Q.! My conclusion is that the Giant Dick doesn't belong to this body (and because of direction of Shadow!!!) see one more the pic and im sure you will understand why!
the thing that i find odd is that it has been viewed 7953 times and been commented on 35 times. not one is critical.i am banned from this persons page too so cant leave a comment
over a period of time this person has called me a **** claimed to be a memeber of the us armed forces that were involved in the vietnam war,a wounded ex soldier and through this forum admited to careless driving and encited others to do the same ,blackmail and R-A-P-E among other things.he has also posted topics, aimed at my self and other members,seeking other to slag us off.he failed people have been thrwn of this site for less.
i get very very worked up when people ask others to post pictures of them selfs or post pictures of them self driving nude wanking having sex ect ect ect.i have had more than enough heart ache caused by people i know and family members killed in car crashes and do not encourage others to do any thing other than drive the car and nothing else.he posted one such topic and i went ape shit and as he had no answer to me he created a fake page with which he though he could get to me and give him self support.he failed due to a multitude of errors but mainly down to his piss poor spelling and grammer which he could not was while using this fake id that he claimed to be a member of the us army involved in the vietnam war.i pointed out on the forum that the two people were in fact one and the same and as a result he got dogs abuse from a lot of his own country men and real vets. shows what a tit this person is.
Mr. Mr7inches, I really appreciate how much energy you use on this Forum to make the things to be better here. I want to repeat again, if I'd be Admin, I'll take your advice very seriously, because you and John (and thanks also to others, as you both), you all are trying nearly every day to make this place a bit more civilized ! Thank you so much Guys!
thanks John! and because i don't know this guy i wrote to him. But every time when we saw smth very GIANT! we have to take it with reserve and have to look more carefully for manipulation!
We all discuss about Fakes, but owner is continuing to collect more and more points, to put new Fakes and baned more of us here! Admin have to make changes.
a little help: see direction of hanging down long GIANT DICK and the direction of short little shadow on the left leg.
(there are not other penis shadow, only one on the left leg!)
The picture is fake, need we say more.
Made even more distasteful by the fact that the poster has claimed to be a minister of religion plus a youth pastor.
Unless you like anal, and want to explore a person's colon, why would something of this size be of any value?? It's obviously photoshopped, and unnatural.
We all discuss about Fakes, but owner is continuing to collect more and more points, to put new Fakes and baned more of us here!
I just kinda looked at the pic and thought it was too good to be true.
(there are not other penis shadow, only one on the left leg!)
PS:read other replys, they can be very helpful.
Made even more distasteful by the fact that the poster has claimed to be a minister of religion plus a youth pastor.
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