How do I find a man for my first time? I have always been straight and have no idea how to meet a man. I want to explore and experiment, especially sucking cock. I jackoff all the time fantasizing about sucking my first cock!
bimike10, have you ever thought to compose your post so it's actually readable? Don't you guys even take the time to reread what you wrote and fix mistakes? Maybe use periods and capitals now and then? You know, this site does allows you to edit and fix grammar, punctuation, spelling and sentence structure in your posts. Do you guys think we can raise the intelligence level in here - just a little bit?
To the original poster...if you want to learn the PROPER way to meet other guys, that is, guys that you can respect and that will respect you...then you need to go to g0ys[dot]org - g0ys is spelled g-zero-y-s - and study in depth what we have to say about Brotherhood, Masculine Respect, Camaraderie, Trust and Honesty. Men need to learn how to overcome their fear of one another and begin interacting in a less sleazy manner; learn how to interact and communicate on all levels in the public, real world...not sneak around the bars, clubs, baths, back alleys, movie booths or settle for anonymous hookups arranged online. You have to make a choice, do you want to meet a MAN, or do you want to meet a slut...and still have the same empty, boring, risk-filled life you have now, filled with regret and self-h a t e after a fleeting, meaningless quickie with strangers? Wouldn't you rather seek out brothers that could be a part of your life on all levels? To do that, you have to seek out multiple buddies and surround yourself with a circle of good, long-lasting pals...go for the long term...with no expectation of intimacy. If something intimate or sexual is going to happen, it the right time and in the right manner, so it has Meaning and Purpose. Not to mention by the time the right moment arrives for both guys, they will have a comfortable knowledge of each others personal habits and will know if each other is a safe bet or a blatant health risk! This is the definition of a man, not the poor role models dominating this forum!
Do you live in Cali? If you do, contact vblobsvs, he is also straight and wants to suck cock too. . Maybe you straight guys need to start a group on SYD of like minded straight men that want to suck cock.
I use adam4adam sometimes also, and I used to be on another site called manhunt. This site could also be used to meet men if you look for guys in your area.
I go to a gay sauna/bathouse to meet men for sex, so you might want to try finding one in your area. Just make sure it's one where sex is permiited, and not just a regular one.
Read about my first time with a guy here /blogs/author.php?id=176430 is a site where you can get in contact with other men for sex. Men put ads on there, most of the time with pics. Search for men is based on city where they live.
To the original poster...if you want to learn the PROPER way to meet other guys, that is, guys that you can respect and that will respect you...then you need to go to g0ys[dot]org - g0ys is spelled g-zero-y-s - and study in depth what we have to say about Brotherhood, Masculine Respect, Camaraderie, Trust and Honesty. Men need to learn how to overcome their fear of one another and begin interacting in a less sleazy manner; learn how to interact and communicate on all levels in the public, real world...not sneak around the bars, clubs, baths, back alleys, movie booths or settle for anonymous hookups arranged online. You have to make a choice, do you want to meet a MAN, or do you want to meet a slut...and still have the same empty, boring, risk-filled life you have now, filled with regret and self-h a t e after a fleeting, meaningless quickie with strangers? Wouldn't you rather seek out brothers that could be a part of your life on all levels? To do that, you have to seek out multiple buddies and surround yourself with a circle of good, long-lasting pals...go for the long term...with no expectation of intimacy. If something intimate or sexual is going to happen, it the right time and in the right manner, so it has Meaning and Purpose. Not to mention by the time the right moment arrives for both guys, they will have a comfortable knowledge of each others personal habits and will know if each other is a safe bet or a blatant health risk! This is the definition of a man, not the poor role models dominating this forum!
.......Are they?....I would have thought you would have more success looking for a 'bi curious' man, but maybe I'm wrong(?)
I go to a gay sauna/bathouse to meet men for sex, so you might want to try finding one in your area. Just make sure it's one where sex is permiited, and not just a regular one.
Read about my first time with a guy here /blogs/author.php?id=176430
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