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I love a guy who can give good non sequitur

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Started by #303133 [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 16:00
Bunnies are cute!

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By #201583 08,Nov,12 18:24
Razor blades taste better!
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,12 18:29 other posts 
Oh you don't login for 4 or 5 days and you say something so weird!
By #201583 08,Nov,12 19:55
I have been working and writing like a mad man.
By #201583 08,Nov,12 19:59
I have also been busy reading Edgar Allen Poe. (Razor Blades, hint)
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,12 20:06 other posts 
Could I have another clue?
By #201583 08,Nov,12 20:14
I'm writing a depressing scene and Edgar always hits the spot.

By #218130 08,Nov,12 10:14
I like turtles because they`re so chill. They don`t hurt anyone. They`re just like, "Hey man, I want to swim, and maybe eat some lettuce. But I`m gonna take my time getting there, I`m not in a rush....

By #218130 03,Nov,12 18:22
Non sequitur!!! I only squirt for Bella
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 06:46 other posts 
EAT YOUR HEART OUT [your name here]! Don't expect dreamer to squirt for you, he just said he is a non sequitur! Nah nah nah boo boo!!!
By #269765 08,Nov,12 09:26
I thought a non sequitur is what one uses not to prune the roses. Am I right?
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,12 09:37 other posts 
Flowers make me smile.

By #23212 04,Nov,12 01:41
Chicken tastes like frogs' legs.
By just16cm [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 06:23 other posts 
Happy new year!
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 06:29 other posts 
To just16cm, I can appreciate that Michigan may be in different time zone from Germany but could we really be 2 months behind?
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 06:24 other posts 
And I have been told that frog legs taste like chicken! Oh sinanff47, what does your comment have to do with this darn topic? Huh?
By #23212 04,Nov,12 17:07
Circ. = pie X diam.
By just16cm [Ignore] 05,Nov,12 16:34 other posts 
Move along folks, nothing to see here!
By #23212 07,Nov,12 02:06
My chocolate bar is in there.

By just16cm [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 17:42 other posts 
I just understand railroad station.*

*old, german saying
By #23212 07,Nov,12 02:04
The train is late--God Save The Queen.

By slipper [Ignore] 05,Nov,12 22:18 other posts 
Did you notice what happened to the Hong Kong stock market last week???

By #283093 03,Nov,12 18:03
If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear does it still make a sound?
By #218130 03,Nov,12 18:07
By just16cm [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 18:17 other posts 
By #149276 05,Nov,12 20:51
Obama will here it!

By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,12 17:49 other posts 
Warm milk smells like cow.

By #316656 03,Nov,12 17:52
I like trains
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 06:32 other posts 
Uhh, Dory? Real trains or the kind under the Christmas tree??? Maybe it really doesn't matter......
By #316656 05,Nov,12 17:30
Get it together Bella!! Real trains!!
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,12 17:47 other posts 
Would you fuck a penguin? Well, would you?

By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 16:28 other posts 
No fair! Why can't the topics be relevant for both men and women? It is unlike you to start a topic that is only directed to the men that have problems squirting!
By #303133 03,Nov,12 16:56
There are many uses for the common potato.
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 17:05 other posts 
What's that got to do with not being able to squirt?
By #218130 03,Nov,12 17:13
Sorry, I must be very stupid, or I don't understand the American lingo. Bunnies are cute and potatoes make french fries?
By #303133 03,Nov,12 17:54
Most fire trucks are painted red.
By #218130 03,Nov,12 18:00
WTF are non sequitur? Must I google again? English not my 1ste, not USA english at all
By just16cm [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 18:03 other posts 
Chocolate icecream tastes good.
By #218130 03,Nov,12 18:13
I prefer caramel
By just16cm [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 19:20 other posts 
[ ] yes
[ ] no
[ ] maybe
[ ] I don't know
[ ] something completly different
By #229050 05,Nov,12 17:24
my shoes are there.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,12 17:26 other posts 
By #218130 03,Nov,12 18:01
I squirt a lot, the other night....

By #205689 04,Nov,12 17:11
What a lot of BOLLOCKS !!
By #23212 04,Nov,12 17:17
But Seņor, sometimes the bull wins.

By #229050 03,Nov,12 19:07
but number seven is twice as fitting
By #303133 04,Nov,12 07:56
Ice skating is a great way to get exercise.
By just16cm [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 08:10 other posts 
Get of me lawn!

By #299562 03,Nov,12 17:42
All penises are cute..
By bella! [Ignore] 03,Nov,12 18:56 other posts 
By #247457 04,Nov,12 00:57
Yes, tv shows WERE aired last night
By qhaos [Ignore] 04,Nov,12 03:51 other posts 
well said bella!

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