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All this damn silliness...

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

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Started by #303133 [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 14:30
In another forum thread, a valued and outspoken SYD member brings up a point about the rise of "silly and pointless discussions...usually metaphorical, illogical, pointless and have no real purpose or topic" in the forum. (I have the greatest of respect for this individual and consider them to be a friend. I do not want this topic to be perceived as an "attack" by anyone, so I am not including that member's name.)

Is it possible that there is a valid point here? Is the "silliness" a detriment to the integrity of the forum? Is it disruptive and/or unwelcome?

As the originator of many of the threads/posts this subject refers to, I would welcome feedback from any Forum-folk on the matter...

PS: I am not posting this as a way of getting my ego stroked. I am seriously trying to open a discussion about the merits (or lack there of) of silliness in the forum.

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By #201583 17,Nov,12 14:21
Since the number of topics are limited and are stuck in a never ending state of repetition I would even warmly welcome a baby talk thread. Being silly breaks up the monotony and keeps me from leaving this site. I have only been on this site for a year and have seen the same questions asked so repeatedly that the repetition is beyond the point of insanity. Be silly. Please, I beg you all to be silly.
By #247457 18,Nov,12 13:17
I'll second that cumdump, I love the "silly" threads that make a point through intelligent humor or just mean nothing at all. keep it coming!

By just16cm [Ignore] 18,Nov,12 08:20 other posts 
Damn you sillines! DAMN YOU! *insert fist shaking smilie here*

By bella! [Ignore] 17,Nov,12 15:49 other posts 
I know the the valued member that felt that many topics in the forum were silly, illogical and pointless. Bet he was referring to the "HET GUYS AND "GAY" SEX" thread. As a rule he posts comments on so many threads, perhaps even that topic was so obtuse he didn't have the strength to rebuke the poster.

By admin [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 18:00 other posts 
Silliness is an essence of at least 90% of human interaction. Most of human conversations do not relay any useful information or relay very small bits of it and intended only to interchange friend-or-foe subliminal signals.

By bigone21 [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 17:26 other posts 
allmost all of the discussions here end completly out of focus, off subject, or in worldwar III.

if they don't, the subject of discussion is something silly like: would you like to suck my cock?

it seems there's nothing to gain in taking part in the discussions in this forum.

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 17:13 other posts 
And about ALL THIS DAMN SILLINESS, what's plain silly ( no pun directed at any forum member using that name ) is the way the comments/responses are now posting, PUT IT BACK to the old way.....pretty please? Thank you!

By bella! [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 14:53 other posts 
I look forward to what may be perceived as illogical and pointless discussions. Other than those, the only other threads to choose from are posted by obtuse members and seem illogical and pointless as well. The only difference is YOU'RE NOT OBTUSE!
By #164428 16,Nov,12 14:56
By Ray10754 [Ignore] 16,Nov,12 16:11 other posts 
I find it in no way disruptive or unwelcome !! We all need a little laughter in our lifes with all the negativity we all face on a daily basis!
It is all in fun and is not hurting anyone at all, unlike some of the alternate posts that are direct attacks on either, individules or groups.
In my honest oppinion your doing just fine,it may sound silly, but to me, it is a lite spot of the day to sign on and partake in it with all of you!!It is good clean honest fun

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