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Was this guy coming on to me? I want your opinion!

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by dickisgreat [Ignore] 18,Dec,12 23:28  other posts
I'm wondering if this guy at the gym the other day was coming on to me and I'd like your feedback on the situation. I was alone in the sauna with this ripped muscle dude and he starts flexing for me and making small talk.

Was he coming on to me? Or is that just what bodybuilders do - show off to a stranger when they're all alone? What could I have done to let him know I was interested?

I want to be ready if this happens again!

The gym is definitely not known to be a gay place.

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By #331395 19,Dec,12 00:29
He was probably just showing off, but u never know. He totally could have been making a move on u. If ur in that situation again maybe try complimenting him and maybe show urslef off some and see if he compliments u. And then maybe try to somehow throw in that ur gay or into guys or whatever u define ur sexual orientation as and see what he says. He could say that he is into guys too! Worst thing that happens is he could say that he isn't into guys, and atleast u would know then instead of wondering if he was coming on to u. Couldn't hurt to find out, who knows? He could be into guys and he could be into u and u two could have some fun hahaha
By dickisgreat [Ignore] 19,Dec,12 01:27 other posts 
Hmm, not sure I'd have the nerve to come out and say I'm into guys in a situation like that. Plus, that can scare off people who are on the DL, right?

Complimenting him, though - great idea. Somehow I didn't think of that... duh! In the moment I was freaked out and didn't have my wits about me.
By #331395 19,Dec,12 01:56
totally understandable, I would be nervous too. I meant u could say something like "I used to date a guy who was ripped and had cut abs....etc." something really casual like that to let him know that u like men
By dickisgreat [Ignore] 19,Dec,12 23:08 other posts 
Yeah... though to be honest, I'd still hesitate to say something like that in a confined situation like a gym sauna. At a party or bar, sure.

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