checked all the references I could find but still dont understand why...
the contributors whose username is just a number are not live links. I can only see the pages of usernames that include letters. How does one see or communicate with these users?
We are merely numbers, just as you are member 317908. When you see a thread in the forum that reflects only a number, that would indicate that the poster is no longer a member.
I may be wrong here! But I think those that have ALL NUMBERS
are no longer members here they either have been removed by admin for some reason or another or they may have removed their profile them selfs for one reason or another. If in fact I am wrong I appoligise, and hopefully some one will have the correct answer and post it here,for all of us to see!
are no longer members here they either have been removed by admin for some reason or another or they may have removed their profile them selfs for one reason or another. If in fact I am wrong I appoligise, and hopefully some one will have the correct answer and post it here,for all of us to see!
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