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heavenbesideyou's psycho obsession with ds86

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #343863 [Ignore] 01,Feb,13 09:52
heavenbesideyou seems to only come on this site to fullfill her obsession with ds86!!! She is so obsessed that she can't seem to get it in her twisted mind that he is not or no longer interested in her! She is so psycho that she is not happy until she runs him off EVERY time! You are obviously very mentally disturbed & need serious psychiatric or psychological help!!! Her motto seems to be- If I can't have him, nobody can even be friends with him! He is one of the most beautiful men, inside & out, that I have ever met! So, heavenbesideyou, why do u insist on continuing to come back when he doesn't want u???

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By #301038 01,Feb,13 14:29
Oh my... someone is in serious need of pie. Should I grab some rattles and teethers too?

Dear MissPurrfect, why do you enjoy someone else's dirty laundry so much? Seems like with the attitude like this, you should have plenty of stinky panties of your own.
By #341776 01,Feb,13 14:35
Around here we call that being all up in the kool-aid and not even knowing the flava! You're awesome Peach!
By #247457 03,Feb,13 02:04
I Love Aerosmith!

By #242452 02,Feb,13 00:29
I have no idea what you are talking about, but he is a total hottie!

By #196416 01,Feb,13 12:30
Grab the pie, this is getting interesting Oh I would caution against putting down Fairy or bella both are great people and I ( one of many ) will have their backs! to both of them. And heavenbeside you I don't know you or ds86 or MissPurrfect but I feel bad for you and ds86 that this was brought into open forum, not cool. OK now let's have Pie
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Feb,13 12:39 other posts 
This sounds like an episode fit for Jerry Springer!

By #202354 01,Feb,13 11:40
I feel like a seventy-two part miniseries just played and I've only seen the last two minutes of it. Will it go into reruns sometime?
By #348912 01,Feb,13 11:42
im sorry this is so embarrassing
By #316049 01,Feb,13 11:46
not for those who know the background heaven. Can everyone agree not to comment anymore and let this thread disappear?!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Feb,13 11:52 other posts 
Kindly explain, who knows the background? Have you ever heard the saying; There's your side, there's my side and somewhere in between, there IS the TRUTH.

By #343863 01,Feb,13 10:28
Eva, you are an embarrasment to ds86 and yourself! Realize it & get the fuck off this site & stay off it!! You deserve to be permanently banned from this site because it is obvious to him & many others that you are very mentally unstable!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Feb,13 11:03 other posts 
To use her name in the attempt to belittle her so openly does not shine light so favorably upon you. What's done is done and it's unfortunate that you did not handle this with more discretion. Just sayin.........
By #343863 01,Feb,13 11:12

--------------------------------------- added after 17 minutes

bella!, u have talked about her behind her back to some of us & then welcome her back! Ummmm, I believe that is called "2-faced", so dont even lecture!!!
By bella! [Ignore] 01,Feb,13 11:46 other posts 
My name is Linda. If you're referring to the way hby left the last, you're kinda right, Tara. I did not like the less then favorable messages that she left on your wall and the walls of ds86 and another member. So your reference to me speaking behind her back " to some of us" is kinda right...... My talking behind her back was to ds86 and to you, Tara.

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