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Cock Rings What do you use?

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick

Started by #294689 [Ignore] 29,Jul,13 07:18
Hi as i look through the pictures of the amazing cocks on here (as you do lol) i can't help but notice a very varied array of things being used as cock rings!! such as straps, elastic, plastic rings, metal rings etc. obviously not all these are sex toy purchases and i was just wondering what you have used in place of the real mccoy. I tend to use my partners hair bands but not the ones with the metal joint lol, ive used split washers, curtain hoops and even my partners bangles.... let me know what else you have used in the past as i really like the tight feeling of my cock n balls being strapped up

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Similar topics: 1.does cock rings help?   2.Cock Rings   3.Cock Rings   4.Cock Rings   5.Wide or narrow metel cock and ball rings?  

By LGA6969 [Ignore] 12,Mar,23 19:31 other posts 

By corby [Ignore] 08,Mar,23 18:45 other posts 

By colburnc49 [Ignore] 07,Mar,23 17:20 other posts 
yes i do

By Lucky [Ignore] 04,Mar,23 03:49 other posts 

a ring of wood and the tree is standing

By newwt10 [Ignore] 16,Sep,20 13:53 other posts 

By #516354 25,Jul,20 10:32
[deleted image]
Use a cock ring but have been known to use shoe laces also.[deleted image]

By #102053 01,Aug,13 16:33
Hair band, works fine!!!
By Jb11 [Ignore] 21,Jul,20 05:32 other posts 
I have a selection of hairbands to use. They come in various thicknesses and sizes and are easy to use and remove and comfortable to wear

By Blade [Ignore] 30,Nov,16 22:34 other posts 
I just started using a cock ring. I'm using a hard rubber seal that isn't very tight, but just tight enough to do the job.

When I take the cock ring off after my dick feels different, its noticably redder/darker for a long time. Do cock ring do any harm to your dick, your dick's circulatory system, etc? I'm looking for serious responses please.

Let me know what your dick feels like after.

By youngjpcock [Ignore] 18,Aug,13 01:04 other posts 
i just tie it
By leopoldij [Ignore] 30,Nov,16 18:29 other posts 

By #206678 21,Oct,16 15:49
[deleted image]
Invest in a good quality rubber ring. This one is from Oxballs.

By #121361 17,Oct,16 01:54
[deleted image]

By slipper [Ignore] 17,Oct,16 00:49 other posts 
An assortment of cheap rings from the hardware store... some pix thereof at my pages here.

By #455846 16,Oct,16 17:40
curtain rings fit nicely down my penis, right to the base of it. However they get too tight when I get an erection! I find O rings to be the best if they aren t to thin, they can be quite stylish, also

By #503470 22,Mar,16 04:08
I use shoe laces,cat collars,metal bangles,rubber o rings basically anything that will do the job

By #61033 14,Dec,13 08:49
I use silicon O rings available at most hardware stores in various diameters. 38mm goes on with a bit of lube and keeps me raging hard when I get it up. I use 3 at a time for comfort. Don't fall asleep with them on! I once did and could not believe how big and fat I was when the discomfort woke me up! NO damage done though...

By #194437 13,Dec,13 02:04
[deleted image]

I use some different rings

By WhoreAnnett [Ignore] 27,Aug,13 09:45 other posts 

l love my rings!!

By #189285 14,Aug,13 15:02
Funny, scary story. I had a metal ring that would fit over both balls. It took some effort, but went on and was comfortable. My dick was soft and with some Vaseline I was able to squeeze my dick under the ring and had it on. It was quite tight, and when my dick got hard really kept my dick hard. Because I get hard during the night and early morning, I wanted to take it off fearing cutting off the **** supply for an extended period of time. Try as hard as I could, with a hardon, I could not get the ring off.

To make a long story short, I had to to to the workshop and use a dremel miny grinder with a small cutoff blade. I was able to slide a piece of thin plastic behind the ring so I wouldn't cut the skin. Then, as the grinding wheel was cutting the ring. the ring got HOT! So I had to use a wet washcloth to cool it down. It took about 30 minutes to make 2 cuts to get the ring off.

So much for too small cock rings! I told my wife and showed her the ring and she just shook her head. Then I told my (adult) son how close I was to asking him for assistance. I forget what his response was, but it followed the story where the guy got bit on the head of the dick. His buddy called the doc to ask what to do, and the doc told him to cut an X on the bite area. When his buddy asked what the doc said, his buddy told him: Man you're gonna die!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 20,Aug,13 11:36 other posts 
It sounds as though you had a panic attack when wearing this ring.

Yes, when wearing a rigid ring of metal or anything else, once you have it on and you get an erection, you cannot get it off again until the erection goes down. But don't panic. Your erection WILL eventually go down. I've worn my jade bracelet rings 24/7 for months at a time with no ill effects what-so-ever. One of these was so snug that I had difficulty getting it off even when my dick was completely soft. But it didn't cause any problems.

By #339790 05,Aug,13 11:54
Please help me to understand something...not being sarcastic I just do not know...what is the purpose of the rings?? I understand if one can't get/keep erection it helps keep the cock full and hard...but what does it do when everything is "Normal"? I have tried a few and the damn thing gets hung up in the hair! Ouch! LOL Any truthful advice/explanations will be appreciated.
By #414941 11,Aug,13 22:44
By #339790 12,Aug,13 09:35
hs hs....that's a good one...shave....??? some folks don't care for the razor...thatnks for the advice...
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 11:51 other posts 
Yeah, crotch shaving is indeed high maintenance. So if you want a hairless crotch and to be free of a razor, consider a permanent solution such as laser hair removal.
By #339790 13,Aug,13 18:57
Maybe when I was in my 20's...that wasn't a concern among people back then...not as popular in this country anyway. Hardly ever heard of someone w/o pubic hair back, I have done gotten "Too Old" for all that....just wanna enjoy my days and try to keep the stress to a minimum as much as I possibly can LOL...I do not blame anyone who wants to be smooth. It is just not for me. Thanks for the fine answers and help!
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 20:43 other posts 
Hey, you're **** years younger than me and I don't consider myself "too old". For what it's worth, I had total hair removal from the neck down with a laser. I like being hairless. I like it a LOT. I also wear my cock ring 24/7. I rarely take it off. I like showing off my stuff and the ring really puts it out there on display. I've even worn it to medical appointments. The doctor didn't bat an eye.
--------------------------------------- added after 77 seconds

The word that got censored is s-e-v-e-n-t-e-e-n.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 11:44 other posts 
To answer your last question first about the hair situation, yes hair and cock rings do not mix well. I had a quick look at your photos and I notice that your scrotum is a LOT more hairy than most men's. If you're going to wear a cock ring, you'll pretty much have to shave.

As to why men wear them, well it holds things up and out for a better display when nude and a nicer bulge in the crotch of clothing. What man doesn't like that? Also, for men whose testicles ride high, a cock ring hold them down in the scrotum so the look larger and nicer. This is the main reason I wear a cock ring.

By #415374 05,Aug,13 10:49
I use jade bracelets I got in Asia.
By spermkiss [Ignore] 13,Aug,13 11:57 other posts 
I use these as well. C-h-I-l-d size jade bangles can be bought for just a few dollars each in the jade market in Hong Kong. Both metal and neoprene rings caused my skin to break out, even the metal ones that claimed to be surgical steel. No problem with jade bracelets. Plus, they do not set off the metal detectors in airport security lines.

By #337858 12,Aug,13 16:00
This white rubber one

[deleted image]

And this rubber band one[deleted image]

The red one is easier to get off in a pinch. The white one is nice because it's small and doesn't have anything hanging down

By #201155 31,Jul,13 04:59
This is a hardened steel ring from a car's wheel bearing. I love the thought that once it's on the only way I'm going to get it off again is to masturbate to orgasm so I get soft. A bit scary the first time I did it, but I love the feeling of fullness it gives my cock and balls

[deleted image]
By #294689 31,Jul,13 06:12
thats great and also the fact it was once doing 100 mph bet the coldness of the steel feels horny too
By #201155 01,Aug,13 10:54
Absolutely! Soon gets hot, though...
By #1860 07,Aug,13 07:10
Great process ,,,, guaranteed orgasm every time you wear it. I do the same and can only get my tough rubber cock ring on or off when soft
By #201155 07,Aug,13 13:38
I'd love to suck you when you're wearing it

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