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Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

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Started by #431354 [Ignore] 19,Dec,13 17:14

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By #485312 05,Apr,16 19:03
I h@te that dreaded moment when l see l have a bunch of extra points, it means one thing, the beautiful lollipop is gone again, l love seeing his gorgeous body and cock while he's here, and miss it when he's gone. Hope its not a long wait to see his gorgeous body gracing tbe pages again. *lix *

By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 31,Oct,15 18:58 other posts 
I miss (like many others too) # 431354! He didn't use to Photoshop his Royal Dick! Never!
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Happy Valentine Day, #431354!

By #485312 07,Nov,15 22:53
Does 431354 have a name? *lix *
By #472683 08,Nov,15 02:28
Monted, the former king.
By bella! [Ignore] 08,Nov,15 06:03 other posts 
And don't forget to mention a couple of his recent nicknames, Braveheart and Midnight_Special.
By #44497 08,Nov,15 07:55
Yeah, Monted ! The one and only king of this site ! And not just a redneck dipshit douchebag like the actual one which I used to call Donald Trump, the American Pekingnese !
By *kmadeau* [Ignore] 14,Feb,16 12:03 other posts 

By #485312 07,Feb,16 16:08
lowhangers has departed again, l love when he comes back and miss him while he's gone, such a gorgeous man and shares hot body shots...hope to see you back again some day *Lix*

By #485312 11,Jan,16 22:20
4all2see, again l will miss his hotness and sexy shots...*lix*

By #485312 14,Dec,15 17:27
daviddick, l love it when he shares himself..hope he's back soon *lix*

By #485312 29,Nov,15 21:45
backwardswilly, sad to see you go, come back and visit sometime *lix *

By #485312 20,Nov,15 21:55
Someone mentioned ultraviolet, l didnt know her personally but she must of been well liked from all accounts *lix *
--------------------------------------- added after 53 hours

I find this "bootleg" thread a far better one, than that "ORIGINAL" one lol. *lix*
By #450957 22,Nov,15 09:10
I'm so bummed out about ultra-violet! I just met her very recently and she's a sweet girl.
By razzle4 [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 13:07 other posts 
I'm not too happy either. Met her years ago and we've been good friends. Did she quit or was she pushed?
By milesbferry [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 16:30 other posts 
I don't think she would have left without saying goodbye to you, razz. There's more in the other Members You Miss thread.
--------------------------------------- added after 119 minutes

So I'd say she was pushed
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 17:49 other posts 
Yes, razzle4, there's more in the "ORIGINAL" MEMBERS YOU MISS thread.
By milesbferry [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 18:41 other posts 
I expected bella's nose to come poking in at some point
By razzle4 [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 20:04 other posts 
Well admin deleted her anyway. As a fake. Still a shame if a fake is good fun. Whatever.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Nov,15 20:40 other posts 
Poking my nose in? Dude, her departure was mentioned/questioned 3 days ago in the original thread. The member mentioning her departure in this bootleg thread doesn't relate well to women and admittedly said she didn't know Ultra-Violet. No reason to be rude!
By #485312 28,Nov,15 02:43
Her thread she means, just h@tes it when its not hers being bumped. And no l dont relate to rude bitches, not women in general.
By bella! [Ignore] 23,Nov,15 18:15 other posts 
No doubt!

By #485312 21,Nov,15 01:39
Gorgeous Aussiedeviant has left again, his wonderful full body outdoor shots are a breathe of fresh air in a room full of cocks. Hope hes back real soon. *lix *

By #485312 19,Nov,15 20:31
All the altered egos have departed. Im sure they'll be back as new and improved versions of themselves later. *lix*
By mr_blue [Ignore] 20,Nov,15 14:32 other posts 
In the words of Public Enemy..."Don't believe the hype"
By #485312 20,Nov,15 16:12
Yeah theres always more to take their place. *lix *

By #485312 20,Nov,15 09:03
Happy1 left, l liked happy, *lix *

By big9inch21 [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 20:31 other posts 
What happened to The Wife + Hubby?? They will truly be missed.
By bella! [Ignore] 05,Nov,15 20:47 other posts 
These were legit members so I hope you won't mind if I place this in the "original" thread.
By #485312 06,Nov,15 02:26
Great people shame they had to leave when theyre so well liked *lix *

By #485312 31,Oct,15 18:00
Suckulent has departed, his very sexy bits l will miss greatly *lix *

By #480735 26,Oct,15 21:34
I can't remember if I ever commented on this thread, since I was last on here early in the year. I miss FairyDust, PirateQueen, Sweetascandy(there are some x's and o's in there), and a few others that I cannot for the life of me remember the names at the moment. As I chat with members today, the old memories of days past come rushing in. There were, and are, some really great people here. It is what brings me back. Love you all. You know who you are, and know me.
By #316057 26,Oct,15 23:02
yep I know

By #498446 22,Oct,15 07:38
Where has sexpimmel went? He will be missed
By #316057 26,Oct,15 18:54
Now you are missing.where you go so soon

By sherryann [Ignore] 18,Oct,15 18:58 other posts 
Iripin. From Germany, I think. A really nice sweet guy.
By #485312 18,Oct,15 19:51
No, he was awesome and very handsome, shame losing such a hottie *lix *
By sherryann [Ignore] 22,Oct,15 08:36 other posts 
Yes, lix, I agree!

By #485312 07,Oct,15 05:11
Davidscock left again. Wish he would leave his hot shots for us to perv on *lix *

By #485312 21,Aug,15 19:07
thought one of my faves left, but my connection fell out lol, *lix*
By #496364 21,Aug,15 21:47
By #485312 21,Aug,15 22:43
show us your kilt braveheart!! or whats under it is what lm interested in...*lix*
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,15 00:58 other posts 
@496364, what's so funny and are you still laughing?
By big9inch21 [Ignore] 22,Aug,15 02:09 other posts 

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You knows us guys we just post emoticons
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When can EF/ FairyDust be allowed to return
By #316057 22,Aug,15 02:23
Your So Right Big9
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,15 09:58 other posts 
It would be such a welcome relief to see Evil's humor posted as opposed to this incessant babbling.
By #316057 22,Aug,15 02:21
Aww Didn't Last Very Long It Went Poof
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,15 10:07 other posts 
*Jamie, what didn't last long and went POOF!?

If you have any magic skills, wave your magic wand and make it go away, PLEASE MAKE IT STOP. Please say the magic words...abracadabra, presto, Ali-kazzam, POOF!, she's gone!
By #316057 26,Aug,15 00:04
The Horse was Hi-Yo Silver and Kemo Sabe but Tonto didn't Show up.....
By #68656 04,Sep,15 05:15
Evil Fairy is back with an active account. It can be found easily being a derivation of her original name. It is a paid account which was paid for by one of her supporters.
By #316057 04,Sep,15 06:42
Good to have her back
By Sickboy [Ignore] 04,Sep,15 16:43 other posts 
2nd that
By #489701 04,Sep,15 16:34
I would think that the last sentence is overkill nobody cares about but some things never change. Always have to get your ridiculous bullshit points out to the masses i suppose. As informative as you try to hide the true intention of that post, it's clearly a dig. Go find a self righteous platform to stand on and leave others who are not bothering you be...oh, and have a wonderful day.
By #68656 04,Oct,15 05:49
Calm down Curvy, have you run out of young South African boys to chat with.??
By #358797 04,Oct,15 10:55
Who anyone chooses to correspond with is absolutely none of your concern. Maybe if you had your nose in your own business for a change things would be less shitty around here. You create drama by whatever means necessary, even uncalled for statements like that.
By bella! [Ignore] 04,Oct,15 11:14 other posts 


This has been a Public Service Announcement for all SYD/SYC members. I will return you to the insanity now in progress. Thank you.
By #489701 04,Oct,15 14:16
Nice one Johnny. Did it take you all 30 days from the time i posted that to come up with that response? You are the slime of all slimes. You sling shit at people for their "esoteric" dealings in a closed group and then have the nerve to dredge up shit from well over a year ago that has absolutely little to do with anything. Next time grow a set of nuts...or just address it in the strictest of confidence with an email you gutless fuck.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Oct,15 14:31 other posts 
You're wasting your breath Curve...he doesn't understand that people might not get along but can respect each other.
His underlying need to feel superior to everyone else is sad really..

Dredging up shit is what he does,everyone knows that,when you disagree with him he throws what he knows about you out into the open....
By #489701 04,Oct,15 14:38
Funny part is, to the best of my knowledge he didn't even know that. I'm sure it was dug up by the hounds and provided to him.
By mr_blue [Ignore] 04,Oct,15 14:49 other posts 
Said hounds are depleted in their ranks after a thorough mole hunt investigation was carried out and reviewed by those involved... The water is cleaner but some people still act like a k!d and shit in the pool....
By #491031 04,Oct,15 14:35
Al I can say, my friend, is
By #489701 05,Oct,15 02:47
By #491031 22,Aug,15 10:52
The former "king" just can't stay spite of all the bitching and whining he does about SYD on other sites.
By bella! [Ignore] 22,Aug,15 12:03 other posts 
After all is said and done, he's a self proclaimed non hater that only hates those who don't like him.

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