| I am still a virgin (male) and am well past my teens and twenties..and thirties to be honest. What I want to know is..how does sex actually happen? I don't mean physically, I know that, I mean how does it go from small chat to "lets have sex"? A dumb question for all of you I guess, seeing as for most of you it just 'happens' but for someone like me it doesnt just 'happen'. I really am begining to feel like there is something intrinsically wrong with me and that there isnt a guy on the face of the Earth who will ever look at me in a sexual way, when all around me al I see is the ease at which it happens to everyone else..and in great abundance for some of them too. Maybe I really am too ugly to ever be intimate with someone else?? |
youtube dot com/watch?v=jT3_UCm1A5I
Apart from that I feel sure there are plenty of ladies here in Oz who would be able to assist.
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