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The Toilet Seat Issue

Discussion Forum on Show Your Dick   [Drama Queens Fighting section]

Started by #303133 [Ignore] 04,Nov,14 18:10
Okay, ladies, here's the deal:

I grow weary of the whole put the seat down/put the seat up thing.

Sure, I get the reasoning behind lifting the seat when I pee. That stuff can spray, and no one wants to sit down on a wet seat. I don't mind putting the seat up before I whiz. I am considerate that way.

However, I fail to see why you demand that I put the seat back down when I finish. That seems to be an unfair division of labor. Why is it that, by virtue of owning a penis, I have to be in charge of all the toilet seat positioning?

And don't give me the "that's because you've never sat down and fallen in" nonsense! I've never fallen in because I always check to see where I am putting my ass BEFORE I sit down.

In the future, I will only put the seat down when I am finished if you promise to put it back up when you are done. Fair is fair...

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Similar topics: 1.Masterbating with toilets?   2.public toilet / woods fun   3.Kinky holes drilled.   4.Toilet Rolls   5.Toilet times for the Liter Box Of KITKAT  

By phart [Ignore] 23,Aug,21 12:18 other posts 

By #532839 20,Apr,17 07:46
The thing I notice, being a consistentgood behaviour boy in toliet seat etiquette, is that the one time I lapse it becomes a 'you never put the seat down' snark... It's linked in my layered memory neurones with comments about something I (may or may not have) said up to twenty years ago that allegedly demonstrates my total insensitivity to my beloved's delicate feelings... If there isn't, there should be a statute of limitations on this stuff! Fark - my view of life as I get older is "Did it happen more than ten minutes ago?" - if so, I have no defence against whatever offence I may (or may have not) caused.

By #485312 30,Mar,17 22:21
its bad feng shui... *lix*

By JustWill [Ignore] 29,Aug,15 10:53 other posts 
By mr_blue [Ignore] 19,Oct,15 06:28 other posts 
only registered users can see external links

By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,14 13:22 other posts 
Do you live with a woman?
By #303133 06,Nov,14 14:10
Not at the moment.
By bella! [Ignore] 06,Nov,14 21:28 other posts 
You don't live with a woman, at the moment. you often use a unisex washroom? I'm trying to understand where this seat up/seat down issue comes from. Were you the only boy in a two bathroom house and the house was full of sist*rs? Oh the ch!ldhood scars haven't faded!

By Sickboy [Ignore] 05,Nov,14 17:54 other posts 
You have absolutely hit the nail on the head, Justwill. I've been saying that shit for year's..... just not so eloquently!!

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